养蚕的英语作文250字带翻译 (最新版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制学校:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文,中学作文,大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括:记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。 作文并不神秘,要想写好一篇文章,首先要多看,多想,勤于观察,积累素材。只有细致的观察生活,积累素材才是写好作文的基础。首先要明确你要写的主题,认真的审题,列出大纲,不要只注意题目中要求的字有多少,要多注意题目的本身,要多读多想,准确的用好词语和修饰语。这是审题的关键,要确立好主题的依据,要精心的选材,布局列题,有的材料,还要分析整理。这就要对材料进行分类,比较,概括,筛选。 我们不要象盖房子那样的把所有的材料都堆砌起来,要合理恰当的组合,具体的说开头和结尾要略写,那么经过就要仔细的推敲,修辞,润色,写好以后不要急于交稿,反复检查认真的修改。 古人说:书读百遍,其义自见。熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。这些都说明一个道理,只要你多看书,多读书对你的写作文有一定的好处。只要你明白这样的一个道理,作文就是要你把生活中喜,怒,哀,乐用文字经过加工,修饰。整理,也就是我们说的作文。 第 1 页 共 3 页 作文内容 科学老师要观察,我养了蚕。 The science teacher wants to observe. I raise silkworms. 在万物 复苏的阳春三月,小蚕出生了。很小,指甲缝大,黑色的。我小蚁蚕,兴奋,就丢了几片桑叶在旁边。天,我来一看,在桑叶了黑点。仔细一看,哦,是小蚁蚕!几桑叶上有小洞了,小蚕也爬在叶子上,细细品味它的美食,就没到。 In March, when everything revives, the baby silkworm is born. It's small. It's big. It's black. My little ant silkworm, excited, lost a few mulberry leaves nearby. God, I'll have a look. It's dark in mulberry leaves. Look carefully, oh, it's the little ant silkworm! There's a small hole in the mulberry leaves, and the little silkworm also climbs on the leaves, savoring its delicious food, but it doesn't arrive. 几天过后,小蚕长大了一点。全身棕色,有一粒米大,食量也增大了,我“蚕蚕营养师”也不给伙食了。后来,小蚕变白了,又白又胖。吃饭的更有趣,我刚放完桑叶,便争先恐后地“扑”了上去,个扭动着滚圆的身体,向桑叶爬去。不一会儿,那几片桑叶便成了几张小网,到处小洞洞。月后,小蚕开始不吃桑叶了,开始练习吐丝。几天后,茧子了,终于了蛾子,生下卵,便结束 第 2 页 共 3 页 了的生命。 A few days later, the little silkworm grew up a little. The whole body is brown, there is a large grain of rice, and the food consumption is also increased. My "silkworm nutritionist" will not give food. Later, the little silkworm turned white, white and fat. Eating more interesting, I just put mulberry leaves, they rushed to "rush" up, a twist round body, to mulberry leaves climb. In a short time, those mulberry leaves became a few small nets and holes everywhere. Month later, the little silkworm began to stop eating mulberry leaves and began to practice spinning. A few days later, the cocoon, finally the moth, gave birth to eggs, and then the end of life. 养蚕,我了,蚕默默地为人奉献着,真是朴实无华、无私奉献的动物啊! Sericulture, I have, silkworm silently for people to contribute, is really simple, selfless dedication of animals ah! 第 3 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/76d5bb5ee73a580216fc700abb68a98270feacf9.html