完整版)学习计划表及模板 August 1st to August 31st Plan: 1.Familiarize myself with English grammar. 2.Memorize all the words from the 4th。6th。and graduate level vocabulary lists. 3.Listen to all of Lai ng's beginner level English lectures. 4.Practice reading。n。cloze tests。and essay writing to a basic level. Daily le: 6:30-7:00: Wake up and eat breakfast. 7:00-7:30: Listen to Lai ng's English lecture. 7:30-7:50: Commute from my residence to the front gate. 7:50-8:50: Review vocabulary and practice English sentence structures. 8:50-9:10: Study English grammar. 9:10-12:00: Practice reading。n。cloze tests。and essay writing. 12:00-13:30: Lunch break. 13:30-14:30: Practice reading。n。cloze tests。and essay writing. 14:30-17:30: Study English grammar and vocabulary. 17:30-18:30: Commute from the n to my residence. 18:30-19:00: Review vocabulary and practice English sentence structures. 19:00-22:00: Practice reading。n。cloze tests。and essay writing. On Friday nights。I will have free time for entertainment and n.) Weekend le: 19:00-22:00: Surf the。check email。weather。and social media. 22:00-22:30: Shower. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7721efe080d049649b6648d7c1c708a1284a0ac4.html