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重阳节英语手抄报内容 100

阳节,又称“踏秋”,汉族传统节日。庆祝重阳节一般会包括出游赏 景、登高远眺、观赏菊花、遍插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等活动。 每年的农历九月初九日,也是中国传统四大祭祖的节日 。重阳节早在 战国时期就已经形成,到了唐代,重阳被正式定为民间的节日,此后 历朝历代沿袭至今。重阳与三月初三日“踏春”皆是家族倾室而出, 重阳这天所有亲人都要一起登高“避灾”。 其一 重阳节

重阳的源头,可追溯到先秦之前。《吕氏春秋》之中《季秋纪》载: “(九月)命家宰,农事备收,举五种之要。藏帝籍之收于神仓,祗 敬必饬。”“是日也,大飨帝,尝牺牲,告备于天子。”可见当时已 有在秋九月农作物丰收之时祭飨天帝、祭祖,以谢天帝、祖先恩德的 活动。 [1]

汉代,《西京杂记》中记西汉时的宫人贾佩兰称:“九月九日,佩茱 萸,食蓬饵,饮菊花酒,云令人长寿。”相传自此时起,有了重阳节 求寿之俗。这是受古代巫师(后为道士)追求长生,采集药物服用的 影响。同时还有大型饮宴活动,是由先秦时庆丰收之宴饮发展而来的。 《荆楚岁时记》云:“九月九日,四民并籍野饮宴。”隋杜公瞻注云: “九月九日宴会,未知起于何代,然自驻至宋未改。”求长寿及饮宴, 构成了重阳节的基础。 [1] 其二



重阳节的原型之一是古代的祭祀大火的仪式。 [1]

作为古代季节星宿标志的“大火”星,在季秋九月隐退,《夏小正》 称“九月内火”,“大火”星的退隐,不但使一向以大火星为季节生 产与季节生活标识的古人失去了时间的坐标,同时使将大火奉若神明 的古人产生莫名的恐惧,火神的休眠意味着漫漫长冬的到来,所以, 在“内火”时节,一如其出现时要有迎火仪式那样,人们要举行相对 应的送行祭仪。古代的祭仪情形虽渺茫难晓,但还是能够从后世的重 阳节仪中寻找到一些古俗遗痕。如江南部分地区有重阳祭灶的习俗, 是家居的火神,由此可见古代九月祭祀“大火”的蛛丝马迹。古人长 将重阳与上巳或寒食、九月九与三月三作为对应的春秋大节。汉刘歆 《西京杂记》称:“三月上巳,九月重阳,使女游戏,就此祓禊登 高。”上巳、寒食与重阳的对应,是以“大火”出没为依据的。 [1] 随着人们谋生技术的进步,人们对时间有了新的理解,“火历”让位 于一般历法。九月祭火的仪式衰亡,但人们对九月因阳气的衰减而引 起的自然物侯变化仍然有着特殊的感受,所以登高避忌的古俗依旧传 城,虽然世人已有了新的解释。 [2]

重阳在民众生活中成为夏冬交接的时间界标。如果说上巳、寒食是人 们渡过漫长冬季后出室畅游的春节,那么重阳大约是在秋寒新至、人 民即将隐居时的具有仪式意义的秋游,所以民俗有上巳“踏青”,重 阳“辞青”。重阳节俗就围绕着人们的这个时季感受展开。 [1]Yang

Festival, also known as "step down", the Han traditional festival. To celebrate the festival usually includes travel sightseeing, climb mountains, ornamental chrysanthemum, biancha Mastixia, eating double ninth cake, drink chrysanthemum wine and other activities. Every the 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, China is the four traditional worship festival. The Double Ninth Festival early in the Warring States period has been formed by the Tang Dynasty, Chongyang was officially designated as the folk festival, later dynasties followed so

far. Chongyang and the beginning of March three "spring" is one room

and the family, Chongyang day all the family should take "to avoid the disaster". firstly

Double Ninth Festival

Chongyang source, can be traced back to the pre Qin days. "Lushih chunchiu" in "Ji Qiu Ji" set

"(September) slaughter

family life, farming land preparation, for five to. Tibet from God to Emperor Jing bin, only need to." "Is also, to Dili, taste the sacrifice, to prepare for the emperor." Visible at the time have been in the autumn of September crop harvest when offering for God, worship, by Xie Tiandi, the activities of forefathers. [1]

The Han Dynasty, "Xi Xi" in the mind of the Western Han Dynasty palace Jia Peilan said

"September 9th, Pei Zhu,

Peng fresh bait, drink chrysanthemum wine, goes live longer." According to legend, since that time, there is a festival for life custom. This is the ancient shamans (later Taoist) pursuit of longevity, the acquisition of drug taking. At the same time there are large-scale banquets, is developed from the pre Qin to the feast of harvest. "Age Jingchu" cloud

looking note "dinner on September 9th, at ho on behalf of the unknown, ranzi in Song Dynasty has not changed." Longevity and for banquets, constitute the basis of the double ninth festival. [1] second

"in September 9th, four people and by wild banquets." Dugong Sui
