寒假用英语怎么写 在中国,学校通常将每个学年分为上、下两个学期。上学期从秋季九月份开始,到次年农历腊月初十左右,各学校开始放假,至元宵节后寒假结束。而这个时候正处于中国寒冷的冬季,交 九 之际,被称为寒假。那么,你知道寒假的英文单词怎么写吗? 寒假的英文释义: winter vacation 寒假的英文例句: 你飞回家度寒假的时刻不知不觉就会来到的,我都已经在盼望着啦! Before you know it you ll be flying home for the winter holidays, I can hardly wait! 学生们正盼望着寒假。 The students are looking forward to the winter vacation. 这个寒假自己有很多方案。 I have lots of plans for this winter holiday. 寒假用英语怎么写 我在寒假里读完了三本小说。 I finished reading three novels during the winter vacation. 今年冬季你们什么时候放寒假? When will you break up for the winter holidays this winter? 寒假我们可以堆雪人。 During winter vacation we can build snowman. 寒假什么时候开始? When does the winter vocation begin? 今天是寒假的最后一天。 Today is the last day of the winter holidays. 你也有从学校来的长寒假! You also have a long winter vacation from school! 你寒假时打算做什么? What do you plan to do during winter vacation? 她想了很多,该怎么过这个寒假。 She thought a lot about how to spend this winter vacation. 我们的寒假放假时间是从一月十六号截至到二月七日。 From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday. 对的,我相信你一定可以在这个寒假了解到许多中国的传统习俗,如风俗习惯、菜肴、祝词等等。 Yes, I believe you will know a lot about Chinese traditions this winter holiday, such as the custom, practices, cuisine, greeting and so on. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/776bbef1094c2e3f5727a5e9856a561253d3216a.html