父亲节英语作文 父亲节英语作文2篇 父亲节英语作文1 你知道吗?有时你很唠叨,比妈妈还唠叨。虽然有时我会觉得烦了,但我心中明白不关心、不在乎你的人不会同你说那么多话语。在我眼中,一直以来,你都是以一种笨拙而实在的方式表达着对我们的爱,默默地等待我们发现。 父亲节是我们向父亲表白的机会。从小就与父母分离的我,加上父亲与我都是不善言语表达的人,显得不是那么亲近,所以每年的这一天我都不知道说些什么,但又想表达自己的情感,让你知道。 看到身边的朋友与同学和父亲之间的关系很好,我很羡慕。时间与距离冲刷了我与父亲之间少之又少的记忆,那仅剩的回忆我紧握不放,舍不得放开。 当年,是什么时候开始我忘记了你的脸,不记得你说话的声音,忘了你是否用你的怀抱温暖过我,用你宽广的脊背背过我?是你外出得太早,还是我太笨拙,太年幼,不懂得珍惜那些幸福的瞬间。 那次是我们隔了三年才见面,你的样子不再是我记忆中的模样,而我是否也不再是从前的我?时间让我们都改变了。刚开始几天的相处我觉得很别扭,一下子生活中多了父母在我身旁,当时的我并不懂得那种不适只是幸福和快乐的表现。 你们为了我们在外辛苦工作,只是为了我们能有更好的生活。逢年过节时,看到别的孩子追随在自己的父亲身边,一起玩耍,而你们只有让电话传递那些关怀与节日的问候。曾经我抱怨过你,我想要你们在我们身边,我曾无理取闹、不懂事地向你们要求,让你们回来,陪在我们身边。你说:在外面生活不容易,回到家里拿什么养活你们。在外面,能挣的时候就挣一点,最少这样你们的生活不会比其他人差。 当时的我想要的生活不是物质上比别人好,我想要的幸福是一家人在一起。我怪你不懂我,而当年的我忘记问自己又懂你多少,两个交流不多的人,矛盾与隔阂就会细菌一样找到空隙生殖与繁衍。 如今我已不是小孩,我长大了,我知道自己要什么,也开始懂你了。明白自己当年的不懂事,在那个不懂事的年纪我就是那样的不懂事,让你们伤心与操心了。我知道你是为我们好,你是个务实的人,不善言语的表达,什么事情都比较喜欢用行动来证明。 你知道吗?有时你很唠叨,比妈妈还唠叨。虽然有时我会觉得烦了,但我心中明白不关心、不在乎你的人不会同你说那么多话语。在我眼中,一直以来,你都是以一种笨拙而实在的方式表达着对我们的.爱,默默地等待我们发现。 还记得我读初中那年,你出了一次严重的事故,当妈妈在电话里告诉我这个消息,我哭了。一直以为,我们之间的感情应该很淡很淡,但是血溶于水的骨肉情深就如一根似有似无的绳子牵扯着我。原来我是那么害怕失去你,远比想象中在乎。 爸,我很抱歉曾经有一次在你面前发脾气,摔了东西。年少的我,正处于叛逆期,喜欢与你对着干。你那时十分生气的对我说以后再也不管我了。那晚,我走出了大门,一个人行走在路上,天开始下起了小雨,泪不知不觉滴落。当时,我倔强的以为自己可以不再回头,就这样一直走下去,但是终究步伐停止了,转身,开始往回走。现在我知道自己为什么哭泣,因为我在乎你,在乎你。就像去年那天你说的话又是那么轻易的伤害了我,以为自己可以不在乎你的评价生活,但当耳朵听见那些言者无意,听者有心的话语,眼泪就像断了线的雨水。爸,其实你说的那些话我都明白,你是为我好。我会用行动去证明自己,我真的不再是小女孩了,你就不要这么担心了。 曾经我只听说过父爱如山,无言沉默的父爱,觉得自己未曾拥有。现在,我渐渐明白,你的父爱就如沉默的大山。我以为自己只能在山脚下仰望,却不知自已一直幸福的拥有。爸,我想告诉你的话还有很多,但是,现在我最想对你说,父亲节快乐,希望你健健康康的,别太累了。我已经长大了,虽然羽翼还不够丰满,但是想为你们排忧解难,为你们分担的心在跳动着。 父亲节英语作文2 if someone asks me who affects me most in my life, i will definitely tell him or her that the person should be no one else but my father. as a matter of fact, i have been much affected by father‘s humor, kindness, enterprise, strong will ever since i was a little girl. father is well-known for his humor. he always makes use of his wit and humor to relax tense situation at work. he is m humorous that his colleagues and friends all enjoy staying with him. he also uses humor to create a very happy family atmosphere. my mother tends to chatter over little things. sometimes she talks angrily without any pause. when this happens, father just listens to her without a word. why don‘t you say a word, man?, mother is more angry at father. at this time father would give a cup of tea to mother , then replies: why not have tea first, my dear? just take your time to enjoy it. i‘m always your attentive listener. hearing these words, mother stops talking with her anger gone at once. such funny scenes often appear between father and mother which makes our family life happy and interesting. father is also very kind to people. he often invites those poor temporary workers who are far away from home to have dinner with us. he always helps our neighbors repair bikes, fill the flat, fix locks, and so on. whenever any one is in trouble, he never hesitates to offer his warm hands. all this earns him lots of friends and their respect as well. father is filled with enterprise in his life. he lost many chances of studying before for .some reasons. but he has never given up learning all the time. he has read many books on architecture in order to work much better as a house-builder. he has gone through lots of difficulties because of his inadequate education. but he hasn‘t lost heart at all. he keeps learning with strong will. now he has become a very excellent worker in his company. my father is the greatest man in the world. his humor, kindness, enterprise, and strong will are always the power of my life. i am very proud of my father. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/77741e6a7cd5360cba1aa8114431b90d6c8589a0.html