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大学英语三级B级(作文)模拟试卷17 (题后含答案及解析)

题型有: 5. Writing

Part V Writing (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.

1 说明:假定你是公司职员李明,给你的部门经理Sam写一张请假条。时间:3191.最近经常感到头疼,想请假一天去医院做检查;2.本周工作已基本完成;3.第二天会准时上班;4.希望能得到经理的批准。

正确答案:To:Sam, Section DirectorFrom:Li MingSubject: Leave of Absence March 19 Dear Mr. Sam, I would like to know if I could ask for one-day leave because of my usual headache recently. I want to go to hospital to do a body check. I have already finished the task for this week and I promise to go back to work

tomorrow on time. I will be very much obliged if you grant me the leave. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 涉及知识点:作文

2 假定你是HEF公司的职员张力,下个月有一个美国客户Jack要来HEF公司访问,现在你给该客户写一封信。内容包括:1.欢迎他来公司访问;2.告诉他到时候公司会派人按时去机场接他,并且已给他预订了宾馆;3.提前告诉HEF公司会安排第二天的会议,请提前作好准备;4如需帮助,请电话联系;5.写信日期:318日。

正确答案: March 18 Dear Jack, This is Zhang Li from HEF Company. Im very glad to write to you. First, I would like to express our welcome to your visit to our company next month. We are eager to meet you. When you arrive, we will send our staff to pick you up at the airport and have already reserved a room for you. Moreover, I would like to inform you that well arrange the meeting the very next day,

please make preparation for it. If you need some help, you can call me at any time. Sincerely yours, Zhang Li 涉及知识点:作文

3 假定你是ABC公司的Sam,刚从纽约旅行回来,请你给在美国旅行期间接待你的Joe写一封感谢信。写信日期:312日内容:1.感谢他在你旅行期间对你的热情招待;2.在信中告诉他,你很喜欢纽约,那里的风景给你留下了很深刻的印象,希望有机会能再次去纽约;3.热情欢迎他来中国旅行。注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、写信人的署名等基本书信格式。

正确答案: March 12Dear Joe, Im Sam from ABC Company. Im writing to you to express my appreciation for your hospitality during my travel in the United States. I like New York very much, where the sceneries make the deepest impression on me. I hope to have chance to go there and meet you again. Meantime, I sincerely invite you to come to China and it would be my honor to be
