
时间:2022-04-20 02:08:55 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

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1. big bigger( ) biger( ) 2.strong stronger( ) strongest( ) ( )5.It is getting .

A. warm old warm B.warmer and warm C.warmer and warmer IV.选词填空。(5)

1. This dog is 2. This dog is

3. small smaller( ) smallest( ) 4. thin thiner( ) 5. heavy heavyer( ) heavier( ) 6. tall taller( ) II.根据汉语意思将下列短语补充完整。(18 1.看一看 have look 2.越来越长 longer longer 3.多大码 What 4.多重 heavy III.单项选择。(10)

( )1. What are they going ?

A. buy B. to buy C. buying ( )2. Let's .

A. go shopping B. going shopping C. to go shopping ( )3.- are your shoes? -Size 8.

A. What size B. How size C. What big ( )4. You are than me.

A.heavy B. heavier C. the heaviest

thinner( tallest( ) ) A. thinner B. bigger C. heavier

3.This dog is thinner. 4.This dog is smaller. V.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(10) 1. Let's (go) to school.

2. This dog is (big )than that one. 3. His pencil is longer than (I). 4. You are (old) and (smart ) than me. 5. What are they going (buy)?

VI.判断下列的句子是(Y)(N)能组成对话。(10) ( )1. -What size are your shoes?

-I’m 1.75 meters.

( ) 2. -How old are you?

- I'm 12 years old.

( )3. -Who is heavier than you?

-I'm 45 kilograms. ( )4. -Are you happy? -Yes, I'm happy.

VII.选择合适的句子补全对话。(15) A. Whose shoes are bigger? B. Who is heavier than you? C. What size are your shoes? D. How old is he? E. How heavy are you?

1.- ? -He is 20 years old.

2.- ? -Size 21.

3.- ? -I'm 48 kilograms.

4. - ? -Tom is heavier than me.

5.- ? -Mike's shoes are bigger. VIII.按要求完成句子。(10)

1. They are going to buy magazines.(对画线部分进行提问)

are going ? 2. You look taller than me.(同义句) I look than .

3. My shoes’ size are 38. My mother’s shoes’ size are 37.(than连成一句话) My shoes are than my . 4. Mike is 48 kilograms.(对画线部分进行提问) is Mike?

5. The duck's shadow is shorter in the afternoon. (对画线部分进行提问) the duck's shadow shorter? IX.阅读短文,完成后面的练习。(10)

Robin, Mike and Chen Jie are in the same class. Robin is 12 years old. Mike is older than him. Chen Jie is smaller than Robin. He is only 11 years old. Robin is 1.5 meters tall, Mike and Chen Jie are both 1. 51 meters. They go to school on foot together. They are good friends. ( )1. Robin is years old.

A.12 B.11 C.13 ( )2. Chen Jie is years old. A.13 B.14 C.11 ( )3. Robin is meters tall. A.1.5 B.1.6 C.1.51 ( )4. They go to school . A.on foot B. by bike C. by bus


I. 1. bigger 2. stronger 3. smaller 4. thinner 5. heavier 6. taller ( )1.当我们想说,她的鱼比我的大时,应用: A. Her fish is bigger than mine. B. Her fish is bigger than my.

( )2.当我们想说天气变得越来越冷时,应用: A. It is getting cold and cold. B. It is getting colder and colder.

( )3.当我们想别人的鞋是多大码时,应该用: A. What size is your shoes? B. What size are your shoes?

( )4.当我们想问谁比你大时,应用: A. Who is older than you? B. Who is longer than you?

( )5.当我们想问别人多大时,应用: A. How big are you? B, How old are you?


II. 1. a 2. and 3. size 4. how III.1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C IV.1.C 2.B

V. 1. go 2. bigger 3. mine 4. older smarter 5. to buy VI.1.N 2.Y 3.N 4.Y VII.1.D 2.C 3.E 4.B 5.A

VIII. 1. what they to buy 2. shorter you 3. bigger 5. When is

①.1.A 2.C 3.A 4.A X.1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B

mother's shoes 4. How heavy
