三年级 肯定句改否定句和一般疑问句

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三年级 肯定句改否定句和一般疑问句

1 This is the reading room

:_______________________________ 句: ___________________________ 2. Shes Miss Lynn.

_______________________________ : ___________________________ 3 I am in Grade 3.

_______________________________ 句: ___________________________ 4 Miss Zhang is our English teacher

:_______________________________ 句: ___________________________ 5. We are teachers

_______________________________ : __________________________ 6. These are pears.

_______________________________ 句: ___________________________ 7. Sheis a nice girl

_______________________________ 句: ___________________________

8. Ican draw a toy car


:__________________________ 9 Your mothercan draw a red coat

__________________________ __________________________ 10. The boy canget any grapes


__________________________ 11 The children canread books

__________________________ __________________________ 12 Ican dance.


