身边的好人好事 世界上有许许多多的人,他们平凡,像一粒沙,却不卑微。他们默默地帮助有他人,在别人遭遇困难时伸出援手,雪中送炭般给予热情帮助,生命也因此而不同寻常。是他们,让我发现了美,让我认识到世界充满了爱。 每天早晨,整个城市似乎还在沉睡,晨光熹微之时,总有一个人在用辛勤的背影,换来整个城市的清洁。她是那么普通,身上是环卫工的制服,手中拿着大大的扫帚。总会有人随地乱丢垃圾,她会走上前对他们耐心地教育,并把垃圾清理掉。无论严寒还是酷暑,她都在那里,脸上带着淡淡的微笑。城市因为可亲的环卫工人而美丽,因此,她是真正的城市美容师。 对于我们的美容师,我怀着敬佩的心情。对于另一个人,则是满满的感动。 陈玉蓉,是湖北武汉一位平凡的母亲,她的儿子患了一种疾病,这种病无法医治,最终可能导致死亡。为了挽救儿子的生命,陈玉蓉请求医生手术将自己的肝移植给儿子。她为了儿子,用尽一切办法减肥,以消除自己的脂肪肝。最终,奇迹出现了,她没有了脂肪肝,并把健康的肝移植给儿子。“是坚定的信念和非凡的毅力给予了我力量。”她说。 事实上,每个人在帮助别人的同时,自己也都在接受着帮助。从我们出生,一直到长大,帮助我们最多的人是我们的父母。是他们给予了我们生命,让我们快乐的成长,教会我们如何做人,当我们步入青春,他们却日渐老去。他们用无限的关爱让我们懂得感恩他人,从而懂得帮助他人。 他们让我想到了雷锋,那个是我们所有人榜样的人。后人为了纪念他,还设立了雷锋纪念日。其实,每一天都是雷锋纪念日,帮助他人是中华民族的传统美德,我们作为炎黄子孙,自然就要将这种精神延续下去,向更多有困难的人伸出援手,即使你能做到的只有很少一部分,但你的爱心会让你的精神升华。 罗丹说过,世界上不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。只要我们用心去寻找,终会有美的存在。一如他们,这些有着炽热的心,热爱生活的人们。所以,我们要从我做起,从现在做起,从一点一滴的小事做起,世界会因此而美好。 The Eyes to find beauty There are many people in the world, they are ordinary, like a grain of sand , but not humble. They are unknown to the public and give others who needs timely help. The life becomes different. I found the beauty, I recognize that the world is full of love. Every morning, I go to school early. The whole city seems to still sleep. But there is one woman always sweeps the ground and tries to make the city clean. She wears the sanitation workers uniforms takes the big broom. She’s so ordinary. Someone littering, she walks up to them and patiently tells them not to Damage the environment. Then she cleans out the garbage. Whether cold or hot, whether where she is , she always stays there with a smile. Because of them, the City becomes beautiful. They are the real City Beautician. For our beautician, I harbored feelings of admiration. For another person, it deeply touched me. Chen Yurong, an ordinary mother from Wuhan, Hubei province. Her son got a disease that may cause him die. In order to save her son's life, She requested doctors to transplant her liver to her son. She exhausted all means to lose weight, to eliminate her fatty liver. Finally, a miracle happened, she Eliminated fatty liver, and transplanted the health liver to her son. "it’s the firm belief and extraordinary perseverance has given me strength." She said. In fact, everybody is helped while they are helping others. From our birth to grown-- up , our parents help us a lot. They give us life, let us grow with happiness, teach us how to behave, when we enter the youth, they grow old. They love us and let us know how to thanksgiving, and know how to help others.(这一整段你打算什么时态呀,一会过去时,一会一般现在时的?) They remind me of Lei Feng, the example of all of us. To commemorate him, people Set up the Lei Feng Day. In fact, every day is Lei Feng Day, helping others is the traditional Chinese virtues, we,as descendants, naturally we will continue this spirit, to give a hand to the people who need help, even if you can do only a small part, but your love will make your spirit sublimate. Rodin once said, life doesn’t lack beauty, but it lacks the eyes of finding beauty. As long as you look for, you will find the beauty . As they are, they have hot hearts and they love their life. people. Therefore, we need to start from ourselves, from now on, from the little things, the world will become beautiful. 宁:挺好的。你才是个初三的小孩,就写出了这么流畅的东西,可见动了一番脑子呀!小毛病改一下吧。祝发言顺利!祝国庆愉快!! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/79d6e13210661ed9ad51f3f8.html