
时间:2023-04-23 22:06:50 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Kobe Bryant , was born on August 23, 1978, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, a former American professional basketball player, the secretary shooting guard/small forward (feng wei swingman), since 1996 has been played for the NBA Los Angeles lakers, is a former American professional basketball player Joe Bryant's son.

Kobe Bryant is one of the NBA's best scorer.

Breakthrough, shooting, free throws, three-pointers all of these he can do well, almost no offensive blind area, single-game 81 points of personal record will forcefully proves this point. In addition to crazy to points, Bryant's organizational ability is also very outstanding, often served as the first sponsors on offense. Bryant is the best form of defence in the league, one of personal defense is very oppressive.

he is very tall and very thin, he is very handsome and very cute long, but he is within he liked to help others I think he's good-looking to wear anything he let us learn to Thanksgiving and others have learned not to care about what is good even if someone said that he would smile his face I think he is the world's best singer he is my favorite.
