a an短语

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a / an 短语

a pair of 一对,一双

a bottle / cup / glass of 一瓶 / / a set of 一套

a series of 一系列,一连串 a group of 一组,一群,一伙 a kind / sort of 一种,有几分 a piece of?一张(片; 块; ... ) a pile of?一堆, 大量, 许多 a spoonful of?一匙 a range of?一套; 一系列 a drop of 一滴

a string of?一串; 一行; 一列 a block of 一块

a chain of?一系列(一连串) a line of?一排 a ton of 一吨 a bowl of 一碗 a bar of 一条,一块 a slice of 一片儿 a bag of 一袋 a part of …的一部分 a collection of 一批,很多 a sense of 一种 a sheet of 一张 a copy of 一份儿 a bunch of一束,一群 a dozen of一打

a total of 总数为 a handful of?少量的

a quarter of?1/4的; ... 1/4 a world of?大量的; 无数的 a couple of 两个,几个 a diversity of 各种各样的 a matter of?关于 ... 的问题 a waste of?浪费, 白费 a while 一会儿

a majority of?大部分, 大多数 a moment ago 刚才

a bit 有点儿,一点,少量 (修饰形容词、副词) a little bit?有点儿; 一点儿 a lot of=lots of

许多(修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词) a quantity of =quantities of

大量,许多?(修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词) a mass of =masses of?

许多, 大量(修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词) a great/good deal (of)

大量的,相当多的 (修饰不可数名词) an amount of=amounts of?

相当数量的;?一些 (通常用于不可数名词前) a little?

一点; 少许; 略微; (用于不可数名词之前) a bit of 一点?(修饰不可数名词) a good many

很多,相当多?(修饰可数名词复数) a number of =numbers of


many a 许多 (用在名词单数前,修饰主语时,谓语动词用单数) quiet a few 颇有几个,相当多的 not a bit 一点也不 not a little 很多,非常

a variety of=varieties of?

种种; 多种多样(通常用于可数名词前) a few?有些; 几个 ,?一些(用于可数名词之前)

a list of?一列;一栏; 一份 ... 的单子 a must?必备的知识或技能

make a bed?铺床,整理卧具 make a change?改变

make a difference (to)?有关系,有影响,重要 make a face?做鬼脸 make a fire?生火

make a fortune?致富,发财 make a mistake?失误,犯错误 make a sentence?造句子 make a decision作出决定 make a living谋生

make a mess?搞乱,搞成一团糟 make a wish?许愿

make a choice?做出选择

make a discovery?的发现 make an appointmentwith sb. 约定,安排会谈时间

make an experiment?做实验 make an impression?on? 留下痕迹,?留下印象 make an effort (to do)努力 make an attempt (to do)尝试 take a bite?咬一口 take a break?小做休息

take a /the chance?冒险,碰运气 take a journey?/trip /travel去旅游 take a look at?看一看 take a nap?睡午觉

take a photo?/picture拍照 take a rest?休息一下

take a ride?兜风,坐车,骑自行车,骑马 take a right turn?向右拐 take a risk?冒险

take a seat?就座,入座 pay a visit?to sb./sth访问

bring…to an end 使结束,终结

have a good understanding?有很好的理解力 have a good command/knowledge of 掌握得好;精通于

have an effect/influence on (…)有影响〔产生效果〕

have an advantage over胜过,优越

have a bath?洗个澡???????????????????????? have a drink?喝一杯??????????????????????? have a rest?休息一会儿

have a talk?交谈????????????? have a cold?

???????????????????????????? have a fever?发烧 have a try?

???????????????????????????????? have/hold/throw a party?举行晚会 have/hold a meeting?开会?

have a good/wonderful time 玩得愉快 have a history of的历史 have an income of 的收入 have a word with 和…谈一谈 call a doctor?请医

????????????????????????????????? ??? call a taxi?叫一辆出租车

call it a day?结束一天的工作,??????????? ?

call in an expert?请专家??????????????????? lend a hand?帮助,帮忙 take / have a hand in?参与 play a role / part (in)


play an important role in 中起重要作用 play a trick on 捉弄某人,欺骗某人 play a joke on 开某人的玩笑 put an end to... 结束

take a short cut?抄近路,走捷径 take a shower?洗淋浴 take a train?乘火车 take a walk?散步

take a bow鞠躬;鞠躬答礼 take a breath?深吸一口气 take a vacation?去度假

take an example?举例,示范 take an exam 参加考试

take/have/show an interest?in)感兴趣 give a lecture?/ talk开演讲会,做报告 give a ring?/ call?打了一个电话 give a concert?音乐

give a lesson上课,讲课,给一个教训 give a speech?演讲,讲话 give a try?试一试 give a raise?加薪

give a description of 描述 give sb. a hand 帮某人忙 set a date?定日

?????????????????????????????????????? set a new record?创造新纪录

set an example?to sb.树立榜样???? go for a walk?去散步 go on a strike?举行罢工 go on a trip?去旅行

come to an end?结束,告终

live a peaceful life?过平静的日子?????? live a simple life?过俭朴的生活?? keep a diary?记日

?????????????????????????? keep an agreement?遵守协议 keep an appointment?守约?? keep an eye on 留意,照看???? hold a belief?相信

come to a?conclusion?得出结论

have a population of 的人口

receive a good /high education 接受好的教育 receive a warm welcom 受到热烈欢迎 cover an area of 占地

What a pity! 多可怜! 多可惜!
