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幸福生活十要点 1.Watch a sunrise.看看日出。 2.Keep promise.信守诺言。 3.Li*e within your meens.量入为出。 4.Be kinder than you ha*e to be.善良、仁慈。 5.Don't rain on other people's parades.不要扫别人的兴。 6.Be tough-minded but tender-hearted.意志坚定,但内心温柔。 7.Treat e*eryone as you want tok be treated. 像你希望别人对待你那样对待别人。 8.Remember that o*ernight success usually takes 15 years. 别忘记一夜间的成功往往需要15年的磨练。 9.Remember that winners do what losers don't want to do. 别忘记成功人士做了失败者不屑做的事情。 10.Don't waste an opportunity to tell someone you lo*e him.【篇二】

俚语:一起帮忙 俚语pitch inpitch in是什么意思呢?最常见的意思是一起帮忙,做出贡献(to join in and help someone with something). After the Christmas dinner, we all pitched in to clean up the house. 圣诞晚餐后,我们全都动手帮助清理房子。 If e*eryone pitches in, we’ll soon get the job done. 如果大家一起拼命干,我们很快就会把这个工作干完。 pitch in还有其他的意思: 1.分担共同担负的费用;捐献(某物);(以某物)支援: 例句: When they took up a collection for the annual dinner, he promised to pitch in. 当他们为一年一度

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的聚餐筹款时,他答应捐款。 2.投入;把…扔进去: 例句: Please pitch your waste paper in here. 请把废纸扔在此地。 3.大吃特吃,开始大吃: 例句: As soon as the food was put on the table, all the children pitched in without waiting to be in*ited. 食物一端上桌子,孩子们用不着请便大吃起来。 【篇三】

my life as Mcdull 麦兜的故事 McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye. He has a heart of gold, but he isn't *ery smart and ordinary in e*ery way; ne*ertheless, he has many dreams. Howe*er, e*ery time he tries, he fails; he is disappointed, but tries again, exploring other dreams. In this way he creates his own colourful world. He li*es his life simply and naturally. He is not perfect, but his attitude towards life, namely of ne*er gi*ing up, makes him a popular character. 麦兜是一只右眼上有个胎记的小猪。他有一颗金子般的心,但他不是很聪明,什么方面都平平无奇;尽管如此,他也有自己的梦想。每一次他尝试着达成自己的理想,他都会失败;他会感到失望,但依旧进取,追逐着自己其它的梦。他就是这样创造了自己的一片天地。他单纯而简单的生活,以及虽不完美,却积极向上的生活态度,和永不放弃的精神,使得他受到了大众的欢迎。 The name McDull actually has a story itself. When Mrs Mak was going to gi*e birth to McDull,

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she saw a magical plastic basin(pronounced roughly as "dull" in Cantonese) flying o*er her head. Belie*ing it a sign from the gods, she named her son as "Dull". 麦兜名字的由来有一个故事。麦太临盆去医院准备生麦兜的时候,她看到了一只神奇的塑料盆(粤语中叫做“胶兜”)从她头顶飞过。由此她向塑料盆许了一系列的愿望,希望将来的儿子能很聪明、读书好,长得帅,像梁朝伟或者周润发,还有运气要好,最后塑料盆终于落地。麦太认为这是老天爷传递的异象,而麦胶这个名字不好听,于是决定取名麦兜。


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