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China began to commemorate the world environment day activities, with

On June 5, 1972, the United Nations was held in Stockholm the “youth population, environment “ as the theme. Since then, every United Nations conference on the human environment, the meeting year on June 5, the country hold commemorative activities. 1993 adopted the declaration of the human environment, and puts forward Beijing was elected to the celebration of the city, its theme is 5 June every year would be a

“to break the cycle of poverty and environment “. Released in April

“world environment day “. In October the same year, the 27th United 2014 revision of the environmental protection law of the People ‘s Nations general assembly adopted a resolution to accept the proposal. Republic of China, article 12: for environment day on 5 June every World environment day, is the United Nations to promote global year.197265日联合国在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开了联合国人类环境environmental awareness,


government attention to 会议,会议通过了《人类环境宣言》,并提出将每年的65日定为 “世界

environmental problems and take action to one of the major media.The 环境日 ”。同年10月,第27届联合国大会通过决议接受了该建议。世界United Nations system and governments, every year on June 5 this day 环境日,是联合国促进全球环境意识、提高政府对环境问题的注意并采取行to carry out various activities to promote and stress the importance 动的主要媒介之一。联合国系统和各国政府,每年都在65日的这一天开of protect and improve the human environment.The United Nations 展各项活动来宣传与强调保护和改善人类环境的重要性。联合国环境规划署environment programme (unep) announced at the beginning of each year 在每年的年初公布当年的世界环境日主题,并在每年的世界环境日发表环境the world environment day theme, and published in the annual world 状况的年度报告书。中国国家环保总局在这期间发布中国环境状况公报。中environment day annual report on environmental conditions. During 国从198565日开始举办纪念世界环境日的活动,以 “青年人口,环this period of China ‘s state environmental protection ”为主题 自此之后,每年的65日全国各地都要举办纪念活动。1993administration issued the environment bulletin.From June 5, 1985,

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年北京被选为举办庆祝活动的城市,其主题是 “打破贫穷与环境的怪圈 ”。4月修订公布的《环境保护法》第十二条:每年65日为环境日。

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