国庆节英语手抄报内容:歌颂国徽 赞美有时不需要唱歌,要专心倾听。 Praise can need not singing, to listen carefully. 是的,我听到了麦穗在齿轮中生长的声音。 Yes, I hear the ears of corn in the gear in the growth of sound. 这个声音萦围着一群红五星的光线和一座城楼的文明。 The ringing a red light and a tower of civilization. 文明都沐浴在这光线和文明之中。 Bathed in the light of civilization and civilization. 我深知泥土的真实和牢靠,我深知钢铁的坚硬和骨气。 I know the earth true and reliable, I know the strength of steel and backbone. 这泥土、这钢铁最终用她的热诚和硬度支撑起了一个宏大民族的脊梁! This soil, this steel finally with her sincerity and hardness to support the backbone of a nation! 在光线中,我们挥舞镰刀,收割几千年的芳香;在文明中,我们启动齿轮,伸延几千年的征程。 In the light, we wield scythe, harvest thousands of years fragrance; in the civilization, we start the gear, stretching for thousands of years long journey. 把民族的憧憬浓缩起来,把民族的尊严升华起来,浓缩到朴实里,升华到自然里! The nation”s yearning for concentration, the national dignity of sublimation, condensed into simple, sublimated to the nature! 这就是麦穗和齿轮的不朽糅合。 This is wheat and gear immortal blend. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/811815d17f1cfad6195f312b3169a4517623e549.html