三年级读书手抄报内容 Reading a good book can make us wise exhortation from epiphany in the true meaning of life, from the great record in sentiment and noble sentiments, find the infinite strength from the heroic deeds, we cannot measure the length of life, but we can broaden the width of life, reading, it is a good way to broaden! 读一本好书可以使我们从智者的叮咛中顿悟人生的真谛,从伟人的记录中感悟高尚的情怀,从英雄的事迹中找到无穷的力量,我们无法丈量生命的长度,但我们可以拓宽生命的宽度,而读书,就是拓宽的好方法! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/824cd28b571810a6f524ccbff121dd36a32dc4f5.html