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【期刊名称】《江西科技师范大学学报》 【年(),期】2016(000)004

【摘 要】Nanchang uprising was the start of the CPC’s leading the revolutionary struggle, creating the people's army and taking the political power by armed forces. The Bayi spirit emerging at the right time is the treasure of the Chinese national spirit. The Long March of the red army opened a new chapter in the Chinese revolution and realized the great turning in the history of our Party. The splendid Long March spirit is the highest embodiment of the Chinese national spirit. The Bayi spirit and the Long March spirit come down in one continuous line. They have both the consistency and the difference. It has important practical significance to inherit and carry forward the Bayi spirit and the long march spirit in the realization of the "Two Centenary Goals" and "The Chinese Dream" of the Chinese nation.%南昌起义是中国共产党独立领导革命战争,创建人民军队和武装夺取政权的开始,应运而生的八一精神是中华民族精神的璀璨瑰宝。红军长征揭开了中国革命的崭新篇章,实现了党历史上的伟大转折,无与伦比的长征精神是中华民族精神的最高体现。八一精神与长征精神一脉相承,同条共贯,两者具有一致性又有相异性。继承和弘扬八一精神与长征精神,对实现“两个一百年”,实现中华民族伟大的“中国梦”具有重要的现实意义。 【总页数】8(P25-32)

【作 者】李红勇;周琰培

【作者单位】江西科技师范大学八一精神研究中心,江西 南昌 330038;江西科技师范大学八一精神研究中心,江西 南昌 330038 【正文语种】 【中图分类】K263 【相关文献】

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2.长征精神的时代内涵和现实意义 [J], 邬海军

3.八一精神与长征精神的内涵比较与现实意义 [J], 李红勇;周琰培; 4.“八一精神”的逻辑意蕴及现实意义 [J], 王小玲;

5.论八一精神与井冈山精神、苏区精神、长征精神、延安精神之比较 [J], 李星

