一、【反义词】 横眉怒目、杀气腾腾、声色俱厉 二、【基本解释】 【解释】:颜:面容;悦:愉快;色:脸色。脸色和蔼喜悦。形容和善可亲。 【出自】:《论语·季氏》:“友便辟,友善柔、友便佞,损也。”邢疏:“善柔,谓面柔,和颜悦色以诱人者也。” 【示例】:申子平急上前,~的把原委说了一遍。 ◎清·刘鹗《老残游记》第八回 【语法】:联合式;作状语;含褒义,形容和善可亲 三、【英文翻译】 1.a (pleasant) benign countenance;a pleasing, gracious face;a pleasant smile on one's face;all smiles ; 四、【短语造句】 1.他首先就她最容易完成的一部分工作向她表示祝贺,然后和颜悦色地称赞她工作勤奋。 He had first congratulated her on the part of her job that is the easiest to perform and then warmly praised her diligence. 2.“现实”的疑虑当然是基于这样一个事实:美国监管层不太可能和颜悦色地看着一家中国石油公司成为墨西哥湾最大的海上石油生产商。 That 'real world' skepticism, of course, is grounded in the fact that u.s. regulators aren't likely to look kindly at a chinese oil company becoming the largest offshore oil producer in the gulf of mexico. 3.明天一早,我要的是我的西装而不是那些和颜悦色的人生格言或者阁下有关笼中鸟为何唱歌的沉思。 I needed my suit for the next morning, not folksy aphorisms or your musings on why the caged bird sings. 4.阿巴登博士和颜悦色地说着,同时从口袋里将一部手机,几把钥匙和一个打火机全部掏出来. Dr. abaddon said affably as he emptied his pockets of a cell phone, some keys, and a cigarette lighter. 5.当你跟一个陌生人通电话时,你看不到他们,却不得不跟他们和颜悦色地交谈。 When you talk to a stranger on the phone, you can't see them but you have to talk to them nicely. 五、【详细解释】 和蔼喜悦的神色;和蔼可亲的面色。悦,亦作“ 説 ”。《论语·为政》“ 子夏 问孝,子曰:‘色难。’” 刘宝楠 正义引 汉 郑玄 注:“言和颜説色为难也。” 晋 陶潜 《庶人孝传赞·江革》:“和颜悦色,以尽欢心。” 清 程趾祥 《此中人语·张先生》:“某镇一典铺朝奉 张某 ,和颜悦色,傲态絶无。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》三:“他平时拟教师的神态,以为总该是和颜悦色的。” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/847d7341d2d233d4b14e852458fb770bf68a3be2.html