
时间:2022-06-07 06:35:34 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


The tao of another time, mother m just want to pour out the water, I saw it, quickly said to mother: mom, dont pour the water that clean out rice, it has many USES! The mother curiously ask: whats the use? I said: the rice water to water the flowers, can flush the toilet...... the mother surprised to say: theres plenty useful! My mother praised me is a small environmental conservation experts.

For China can continue to develop, for our children, each one of us, please start from their own, save energy and protect the environment!

有一次,家里的电灯泡坏了,我和爸爸一起去商场买灯泡。爸爸顺手拿了一个白炽灯泡,我观察了,赶忙告知爸爸,说:“爸爸,白炽灯泡很不环保,还简单坏,而且费电,坏了以后它还会像电池一样危害地球。说完,我拿了一个节能灯泡给爸爸。爸爸夸我是一环保小卫士。 还有一次,妈妈淘完米正想把水倒掉时,我观察了,赶忙对妈妈说:“妈妈,别倒淘米水,它有很多用处呢!妈妈奇怪地问:有什么用处呀?”我说:“淘完米的水可以浇花,可以冲马桶..妈妈惊异地说:“用处还真不少呢!”妈妈夸我是一个环保节省的小能手。

