教师节英语作文带翻译:我最喜爱的老师 "Slacker, get up, we ant villages have no you so lazy!" Oh, mom is in urge again, I haven't wake up, let me see, next is again: wake up, the sun ass! Was not what I expected, the mother call angrily: "wake up, the sun ass!" I turned over, don't care to say: "mom, today is Saturday, have a holiday...!!!" I touch the red bottom, I complained: "mom, what are you doing?!" Mother in one hand and a rabbit wool duster, the fork wear a waist, said: "today is teachers' day, not to thank you for your 'white lotus seed' teacher?" I hit a jiling, yeah, I didn't remember! White lotus seed teacher about age of my mother and I together, very gentle and kind, we are the little ants were made a mistake and just pick up the platform that let all small ants pounding "killed", threatening to play us. In fact, just let the "kill" sends it on the SLATE. Although white lotus seed teacher said not to send gifts, but we all the small ants agreed good give white lotus seed teacher a big surprise, hey hey! First of all, the first step is to find a white lotus seed teacher's gift. Just for the white lotus seed teacher a watermelon "candy". "Quick, quick, keep up with!" Captain bamboo monkey depress voice call. We nodded, cat, carefully climb into the room. Our investigation in advance, the owner of this room is a greatly with bowknot, the girl with big eyes, very nice, there are always some sugar on the desk. Bamboo monkey lead us to climb up the desk. At this moment, the girl pushed the door open, went straight to the desk. Oh, no! My heart a tight, she won't find us? Well, she opened the drawer, ah! A small butterfly standing on the drawer that spot, will fall in. I quickly grabbed her and pulled her on the desk, she glanced to embrace with gratitude. True good, this desk, just have a round of sugar. We use several forelimbs driving this many times larger than we drops, "hey, little ants, you, in to steal my things!" Said the little girl and smiling. Ah, have been discovered, I stopped and walked to the front of the little girl that card, with finger refers to the above marked five big word: happy teachers' day. The little girl seems to understand, she said happily: "oh, it turns out that you want to do a gift for your teacher ah, if so, the sugar, you will take it." She put the sugar gently on the ground. It's really helped us a lot! We are ecstatic. Originally, is to put the sugar from pushing down on the desk? However, the sugar broke so easily. I set up the body, and put down, stand up again, put down, to thank her. Thanks but we ant clan highest ceremony! Students in the classroom, we a few ant chorus call way: "white lotus seed teacher, happy teachers' day!" White lotus seed on the teacher's pale face with a blush, shyly smile, like a shy girl. I brought a plate and plate with a piece of watermelon ninety-nine piece in the shape of a sugar, I said: "the white lotus seed teachers, we hope that you will live a long, long, long, until the ninety-nine - year - old, no, is nine hundred and ninety-nine years old!" Oh, I see, white lotus seed the teacher's eyes moist, she loudly said: "the classmates, you are my met the most lovely ants!" 从一年级开始,教我的老师无数,可让我印象最深刻的,无疑是我的六年级班主任杨老师了。 杨老师今年30多岁,卷卷的头发,一副樱桃小嘴,黑黑的眼睛像一汪水,别看老师才30多岁,可她的脸上已布满了细密的皱纹,杨老师为祖国的教育事业做出了伟大的贡献,叫人怎能不对她产生敬佩之情呢? 杨老师上课时很严厉,一丝一毫的小动作都逃不过她的眼睛,不过一下课,杨老师就像换了个人似的,跟同学们说说笑笑。这不,这会儿正和班长闹呢! 最令我难忘的,是杨老师教育我的事情。 那天晚上,老师说要去我家家访,我回到家好好准备了一番,真可谓是:万事俱备,只欠东风了。 老师终于来了,一切进展的还算顺利,老师说了我在学校的良好表现,继而又问我在家里的表现,我心里一紧,想:“完了,完了,这回老妈非得把我供出来不可。”果然,不出我所料,老妈在老师面前说了我一大堆坏话,还说我不干家务。我心想:“天哪,这下我在老师眼里的美好形象,完全毁了。”老师听了妈妈对我的评价,脸色由晴转阴,对我说:“雪燕,你出来一下!”听了老师的话,我只好硬着头皮跟着老师来到了大门外。老师看着我,语重心长的对我说:“雪燕,爸爸妈妈养你不容易,你想想,多少个风雨交加的夜晚,他们在辛辛苦苦的工作啊,他们这样做是为了什么,还不是为了你长大有出息,爸爸妈妈这么辛苦,你难道不应该为他们分担一些家务活吗?”听了老师的这个番话,我羞愧到了极点,我红着脸小声的说:“老师,我懂,我以后一定改。”老师听了我的话,笑了,笑的是那么的甜......老师又说:“好了,我要回去了,再见!”“老师再见”我说。老师走了,我望着老师远去的背影,心里默默的想:“老师,我一定不会辜负您的期望,我一定会:在校做个好学生,在家做个好孩子” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/865615cf24fff705cc1755270722192e453658c3.html