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自来水的英语单词1 tap water

自来水的英语单词2 running water 自来水的英语例句: 他从不喝自来水。

He never drinks tap water. 在那个地区喝自来水是无害的。

Its no harm drinking running water in that area. 用凉的自来水清洗这些蔬菜。

Rinse the vegetables under cold running water. 在干旱时,每天有几小时停止供应自来水。

The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought.


The houses in this village are without water. 自来水接通了吗? Is the water on?


He cleaned his hands in the cold water from the tap. 在自来水生产过程中,加氯工艺是至关重要的一环。 Chlorine dosing in waterworks is the most crucial part. 最有足够自来水硬度去做。

Most tap water has enough hardness to do the job. 这房子连自来水都没有。

The house doesn't even have running water. 模型对照组、正常对照组饮用自来水。

Model group and normal group drink running water. 一座自来水厂将要投产。

A new waterworks will go into operation.


Others say they do not believe tap water is as safe as their governments claim.


He has a job at the waterworks. 这家旅馆每个房间都有冷热自来水。

This hotel has hot and cold running water in every room. 总管道的自来水供应

The water supply from the mains 自动传播的放热反应用自来水冲冷热管子

self-propagating exothermic reaction cool the hot pipe with running water


Then put the burned area under cold running water. 经监测发现,在自来水管中滞留过的水,不同程度地存在亚硝酸盐。

Generally, there should not be any nitrite in drinking water; while it is found through monitoring that the water detained in tap-water pipe is polluted by nitrite to some extent.


To flush the circulation line, connect a flexible hose with one end to the city water supply and the other end to the circulation line; flush for several minutes.
