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英语drank的用法是很普遍的,我们应该要了解它具体的中文意思。店铺为大家精心准备了英语单词drank实际所指的中文意思以及相关例句,欢迎大家前来阅读。 英文drank`中文意思

[dræŋk] [dræŋk]


动词 喝酒; ; ()( drink的过去式 ); (尤指)酗酒 drank的单语例句

1. Tang arrived before his boss, took the bottle of denatured alcohol and drank it by mistake.

2. They splashed some water on their faces and drank a bit, and then filled up a huge tank kept in the back of the cart.

3. He was so cheerless that he often drank his sorrows away at home and complained about his plight.

4. Some believe the monument holds the key to finding the Holy Grail, the cup Jesus Christ drank from at the Last Supper.

5. But the well where Liu drank clear water out of her hands after work remains to this day.

6. Coco Chanel once said that she only drank from a Lalique glass, even when drinking coke.

7. Xiang drank with his beloved concubine Yu for the last time as she performed a sword dance for him.

8. He drank with his beloved concubine Yu Ji for the last time. 9. Data from the World Health Organization showed that in 1961 the average Chinese adult drank about a third of a bottle of beer.


1. Growing up, I drank my milk, 2-3 glasses every night, like a good little girl.

我是个喝牛奶长大的70后,每天晚上都要喝2-3杯牛奶。 2. At first place, we drank Soju again and again. 在第一摊的时候,我们不断的喝著烧酒。

3. Seeing it, he poured out and drank another glassful. 看明白了这一点,他又倒了一杯酒灌下去。 4. She drank a bottle of orange pop. 她喝了一瓶橘子汽水。

5. The men drank a toast: To Ivan the Terrible! 人们举起酒杯,为怕死鬼伊万干杯!

6. I drank three liters of water yesterday and managed to get rid of the gout in my foot.

昨天我喝了3公升的水,尝试以此摆脱脚上的痛风现象。 7. When the farmer drank the glass of water, he was instantly well again, perfectly healthy and strong.

农夫喝了这杯夜明珠汤后,怪病霍然而愈,容光焕发。 英语drank的中文是什么意思】
