心理学英文分析 心理学英文分析 很多人都对心理学感兴趣,心理医生在令人依赖、畏惧的同时也透露出一种神秘感,但是拿到心理学学位的人只能做心理医生吗?心理学学位究竟有什么作用呢? Within the field of life sciences and medicine is the study of psychology. Psychology in its broadest terms is the study of the human mind and human behavior, offering the chance to explore unanswered questions about the brain, such as how it functions under stress, how it learns language, how it remembers facts or how mental illness can affect the way it works. Those pursuing research in this area have the chance to help further scientific understandings of the brain, to promote the all-round health and welfare of current and future generations. 心理学从广义上来说就是对人类心理和行为的学习,是一种对某些不能直接回答的'问题进行探索的科学,比如人脑是怎样学习语言的、在压力下的工作机制又是怎样的、是怎样记忆或者心理疾病是怎样影响记忆的。对心理学的研究将有助于人类更科学地理解大脑,并且促进人类身心健康的发展。 If you choose to study psychology at university, there are many different areas which you can choose to focus on. These include health, clinical, educational, research and teaching, occupational, counseling, neuro, sport and exercise, and forensic. Often during a psychology degree you will gain a broad knowledge in all of these areas before specializing in one or two areas of interest after your first or second year. These areas of specialization will in turn help you enter related psychology careers after graduation. 如果你选择在大学主修心理学,那么你将有很多工作可以选择,包括医疗、教育、研究、咨询、体育和法庭辩论等领域。 So, what can you do with a psychology degree? What can you do with a psychology degree? If you’re not sure about the answer to this, you’ve e to the right place. The answer, however, depends on the path down which you wish to take your degree. 那么你学完心里学想做什么呢?如果你还不知道怎么回答,也是正常的,有时只有在学习心理学的过程中才能发现自己想做什么。 Interested in mental health? Consider ing a mental health psychologist. Passionate about working with young people? Consider ing an educational psychologist or a pediatric social 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/88c1a04db62acfc789eb172ded630b1c59ee9b02.html