
时间:2023-04-26 11:03:58 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

To cross the road, look around. Not on the road to play and run. See the red light to stop for a while. His trip to see the green light. This is for teachers and parents often told us, we often back, and we should not only talk about this sentence, it still deeply recorded in the hearts of safety in the first place, so that accidents may becoming less and less of. Let us surrounded in a safe happy and healthy growth, the construction of our home more beautiful!

Allow the possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to known rules of the road, here I am giving you some rules of the road you:

1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths.

2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or bridge, the underground passage);

3. When the red light to stop, see the green light before.

4. Take the bus after the first, not to each other, do not逼抢bit crowded. 5. Within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside.

6. It should be noted, when we are walking vehicles are not allowed to chase,猛跑.

7. Are not allowed in the vehicle suddenly crossed near.

8. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails.

9. Are not allowed to hold cars on the road to recover the vehicle, forced parabolic拦车and hit cars.

10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults.

11. Allowed the railings across the road.

These are our common life should be in compliance with the rules of the road, we would also like to promote in the class column on the column or exhibition, multi-paste a number of compliance with the rules of the road, not red light running and other words like a warning so that students better understand the traffic safety importance. School can also be invited to the police his uncle, the door to the students on the traffic class, so students know better to help the traffic of human beings ... ...

Security related to our life, we hope parents, the flower is the future of the motherland, the motherland’s future, we need to, and so we must make to comply with traffic regulations, protect our lives, but also to the safety of others. Let us follow traffic safety, to minimize traffic accidents, so traffic will never disappear. This is the call of the times!




1。骑自行车的人应该走右侧自行车道。 2。应走人行道十字路(桥,地下通道); 3。当红灯停,看到绿色的光。

4。乘公共汽车后的第一次,不是对方,不逼抢挤。 5。在人行道上行走,也没有人行道走在路边。

6。应该注意的是,当我们行走的车辆不准追逐,猛跑。 7。不允许在车辆突然越过附近。

8。不被允许通过,坐在人行道,道路和铁路道口栏杆。 9。不允许持有汽车在道路上追车,迫使抛物拦车击中汽车。 10。学前儿童在街头或走的道路上,必须由成年人。 11。不允许栏杆穿过马路。

这是我们共同的生活应当遵守道路规则,我们也将促进在班列在列或展览,多层贴合一些遵守道路规则,不闯红灯等字眼警告使学生更好地了解交通安全的重要性。学校也可以被邀请到警察叔叔,门到学生的交通类,使学生更好地了解帮助人类的交通…… 安全与我们的生活,我们是家长的花朵,是祖国的未来,祖国的未来,需要我们,于是我们必须遵守交通法规,保护我们的生命,但也对其他人的安全。让我们跟随交通安全,减少交通事故,交通将永远不会消失。这是时代的呼唤!
