
时间:2022-05-01 09:35:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



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下载提示:组词通常是指把单个汉字与其他合适的汉字搭配而组成双音节或多音节词语,常作为初等学校语文练习内容之一,一个汉字可以和多个其他字甚至本身组成一个新词。但是要注意的是,组词时不能组人名,地名,专有名词等。 Download tips: Grouping of words usually refers to combining a single Chinese character with other suitable Chinese characters to form

two-syllable or multi-syllable words. It is often used as one of the content of elementary school Chinese practice. A Chinese character can form a new word with multiple other characters or even itself. But it should be noted that when grouping words, you cannot group names of people, place names, proper nouns, etc.

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墟落 墟里 墟曲 墟镇 墟集 墟烟 墟聚 墟囿 墟期 墟棘 墟榛 墟墅 墟塉 墟域 墟坟 墟场 墟土 墟巷 墟沟 墟拘 墟天 墟莽 墟井


废墟 殷墟 灵墟 赴墟 黄墟 楚墟 趁墟 旧墟 赶墟 榛墟 幽墟 长墟 昆墟 村墟 神墟 故墟 园墟 基墟 沙墟 拘墟 山墟 市墟 归墟 天墟 遗墟 荒墟 参墟 华屋秋墟 华屋丘墟 凶墟 陶墟 郊墟 邱墟 邨墟 阴墟 井管拘墟 光墟 社稷为墟 夷为废墟 宗庙丘墟 丘墟 “墟”字在中间的词语 金墟福地 拘墟之见

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