老人与海中英版读后感 AAAA the novel describes is nearly 60 year, when the fisherman fishing, senior alone in a big fish, actually not pull. senior fisherman socialization, after a fish that this is a big marlin, beyond your fishing several folding, though clearly hard to win, but don't give up. later in the big marlin wound bring some of the fish suspicious of sharks smell groups, but the old man still snatch food hope not give up, and finally emphasizes surround close, returned to the big fish, let the other fisherman fishing is admired. when i read the "senior fisherman thought: here's coast is really too close, maybe there will be a bigger fish in further..." i appreciate this senior fishermen, because now he has cast in some fish, but he still was not solved, the present situation, but very close to goals. look, we often encounter a slightly is difficult, we are complaining nonstop. in the future, we will be the motherland, so it should be the old ideas, will be more lofty aspiration, for a better, more goals. when i read "the big marlin began to rapidly around the young fishing boats, cable suspension of mast twisting, old man exalted to the right hand of gangcha, leapt high flash, and the maximum throw it to heart, wail over fish, it is the life of the static static float on water......" i also like the stone falls in together. i appreciate the old man do not fear, unremitting spirit power, although know this game is very strong, but he isn't popular flinches slightly, but more intractable. just because of this spirit, to finish the senior fishermen life and death of the competition. we must also learn advanced fisherman's spiritual life, do not fear the difficulty, the only thing that can succeed. reading the big fish smells blood is the crowd, sharks swam grab food, the old man left, he can just twitching, with a stick with your right hand, mouth are permitted use of weapons to attack and defend the expelled the sharks. but the big fish eat meat has a most, but also his left hand charmingly criticized the work time is actually "time, i also subject to old optimism. in our life, some losses are inevitable, we should take an optimistic attitude toward to compute. finally, through a youth novel looked for 18 feet of senior fishermen, describe the marlins up the fish hugeness, explained the senior fisherman is not difficult, more common. the novel extol spirit senior fisherman fear hard and dangerous to fight, we will not like him, who can't satisfy the present situation, should actively, do anything is relentless, difficulty, may be welcome difficult never stop halfway. only in this way can we achieve greater success and victory. AAAA 一个人不是为了失败而生的。一个人可以毁灭,但是不能打败。 一个简简单单的故事,一个平凡的老渔夫,一条大马林鱼,在茫茫的大海上上演了一出看似简单而又不平凡的故事。 它讲述了一位叫圣地亚哥的老渔夫在连续84天没有不到一条鱼之后,遇到了一条大得让人吃惊的马林鱼。经过了整整三天三夜的较量以后,老人终于杀死了那条大马林鱼。不过在返航途中,不幸碰上了鲨鱼的袭击,老人勇敢的和鲨鱼搏斗,但是,回到港口时,那条巨大的马林鱼只剩下了一幅光秃秃的骨架 。 人可以失败,但不可以击败,外在的肉体可以接受这么,但是内在的意志是神圣不可侵犯的,这是《老人与海》一再强调的论点。那条大马林鱼就像我们所追求的的东西,那一群鲨鱼是不可避免的厄运,千变万化不可测的大海好似千变万化,变化无常的人类社会,有许许多多的人和老人一样,勇敢的去捕捉自己所求,永不言败。 当你努力的去追求自己的想追求的或者征服自己想征服的,无论最后是捕到一条完整的马林鱼还是一副空骨架,这都已经无所谓了,因为一个人的生命价值已在那追捕马林鱼的过程中充分地体现了。曾经为自己的理想努力追求过、奋斗过,难道他不是一个胜利者吗?老渔夫就是敢于挑战自身缺陷及自己勇气和信心的胜利者。从世俗胜利观的角度看,老渔夫不是最后的胜利者,因为尽管开始他战胜了大马林鱼,但是最终大马林鱼还是让鲨鱼吃了,他只是带着大马林鱼的白骨架子回到了岸上,也就是说,鲨鱼才是胜利者。可是,在理想主义者眼里,老渔夫就是胜利者,因为他始终没有向大海,没有向大马林鱼,更没有向鲨鱼妥协和投降。 所以一个人可以毁灭,但是不能打败,永不言败! AAAA 风吹向空寂的海面,一个孤独的老人拖着疲惫不堪的身子漂泊在茫茫的海面上活像个大战后的勇士。为了治服那条庞大的马林鱼,他已经费下了自己近乎所有的力气。而今,他带着自己捕获的大鱼航行回家,他希望运气的眷顾,可那些不断袭来的鲨鱼却让这个老人在疲累中一次又一次的奋力作战。他什么也顾不得了,他只是想保住他的鱼,哪怕剩下的再少。 海明威让这个老人具有了一种不可征服的精神力量。他一次又一次地用他那双伤痕累累的手将粗陋的武器刺进鲨鱼的头颅。即使最终的结果仍是只剩下那十八英尺的鱼骨架。从老人的身上,我们不难看出海明威想要传达给我们的那种灵魂的尊严。 书中的老人曾说:“人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能给打败。”这正是海明威借老人的口告诉读者的本书的主题吧,我想,从此看来这本书并不是什么寓言而是一部令人折服的现实主义佳作。 当我们翻开书的扉页,就好像打开一个尘封已久的木箱,里面尽藏着珍贵的古器,诉说着曾经的伟岸勇毅,使灵魂洗礼在充满力与美的殿堂中。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8de85159d6d8d15abe23482fb4daa58da1111c92.html