大惊喜的英文单词 你知道大惊喜的英文怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。 大惊喜的英文释义: Pleasantly surprised Big surprise 大惊喜的英文例句: 布来恩要给乔许一个大惊喜! Brian has a big surprise for Josh! 索尼电影公司副主席杰夫·布莱克说:“这对于我们来说简直是一个让人难以置信的大惊喜。” "This is a fantastically great surprise for us," said Jeff Blake, vice chairman ofSony Pictures. 纽约排在明尼阿波利斯之后,这倒是给华尔街那些的确担心银行里存款被盗取的富豪们一个大惊喜。 New York City finished second to Minneapolis, a pretty big surprise given all thosesuper-rich Wall Street types who actually have enough in the bank to worry about. 不过这所有的猜测都需要骨骼化石来证明,这也许又是另外一个大惊喜。 All that was needed were the bones to prove it. They were in for a big surprise. 团队及早地、经常地集成,可使“大惊喜”分散到许多小的阶段中。 Teams that integrate early and often take that big surprise and split it over manysessions 在这里,你不仅可以品尝标有“2021世博会法国馆”特制酒瓶的香槟酒,还可期待一个大惊喜...是什么? Here, you can not only taste the champagne from a specially made bottle marked with “France Pavilion at Expo 2021, ” but also await a big surprise… What is it? 大惊喜。 HUGE surprise. 劳斯莱斯在日内瓦车展上展示了银色魔鬼限量版车型,此车的引擎盖下隐藏了大惊喜。 ROLLS-ROYCE'S silver Phantom on display at the Geneva Motor Show had asurprise under the bonnet. 没错,他们的CEO,刚刚在电视直播里透露了一点口风,关于苹果那不再是秘密的大惊喜。 Well, their CEO just spilled the beans on Apple’s not-so-secret surprise on liveTV. 大惊喜:你完全不需要花一大堆的钱去买那些花俏的茶叶来获取有力的健康能量。 Surprise: You don't have to spend big bucks on fancy teas to get a potent healthpunch. 小变化真的能带来大惊喜? Can small changes really yield significant results? 我们有好一阵时候没有什么大惊喜了。 We haven't had a surprise for a while. 我问好莱屋俱乐部的成员华生先生他们去了哪儿,华生说:“这是 ‘啊,一个大惊喜!’ 节目”。 I asked Mr. Watson, one of the Holloways, where they were, and he said: "It's a case of 'Oh, what a surprise!'" club. 大惊喜,甚至那该死的惊喜都是可遇见的。 Their big surprise. Even their goddam s 给她一个大惊喜。 Give her a big surprise. 约翰:让我们悄悄的准备,给她一个大惊喜。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8dedf0fd0266f5335a8102d276a20029bc646356.html