心惊肉跳的反义词 心惊肉跳 相关的反义词: 心安理得 处变不惊 镇定自如 心平气和 心如止水 中文解释: 【解释】:形容担心灾祸临头,恐慌不安。 【出自】:元·无名氏《争报恩》第三折:“不知怎么,这一会儿心惊肉战,这一双好小脚儿再走也走不动了。” 【示例】:在那个闷热的夜晚,发生了那种淑娴现在想起还~的事情,使她的精神受到极大的创伤。 ◎冯德英《迎春花》第十五章 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、补语;形容人极度惊惧恐慌 英文解释 1.shudder with fear; be jumpy; be terribly frightened; be filled with apprehension; feel nervous and creepy; have a moment of panic; heart beating and flesh shaking -- terrified; heebie-jeebies; have the jitters; make one's flesh creep; nerve-racking; palpit 例句 你怎么老是让我心惊肉跳? You never cease to amaze me. 有个声音说道;沙斯塔转过身来看那说话的人时,诧异得心惊肉跳。 Said a voice: and when shasta turned to look at the speaker he nearly jumped out of his skin with surprise. 如果市场上过山车般的跌宕起伏让你心惊肉跳,那么是时候做点什么了,不要等到下一次下跌将你击垮。 If the market's roller-coaster ride has caused you a lot of heartburn, this might be a great time to do something about it, beforeanother slide is just one too many. 如果你也迷信,这部电视剧的暴力水平剧中主角是一名连环杀手和里昂证券所引的“悲剧系数”可能会让你心惊肉跳。 If you're superstitious, the show could be viewed with particular trepidation, given its particular level of violence it's about a serialkiller and 'tragedy quotient,' as clsa puts it in financial speak. 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8e5821a4f66527d3240c844769eae009591ba2d7.html