插本口语考试TIPS 口试程序:人机对话:prepare 6 minutes; record 4 minutes 前面2min朗读文章全文(至2min时,会自动切掉)-- 中间没有停顿,开始计时 后面2min回答问题(两个问题都必须回答,否则就只有一半分数) 口试内容:一般与生活相贴切的内容及话题:如家庭角色、阅读习惯、婚姻看法等等。 口试项目 1. 朗读文章 -- 注意/d/、//、/r/、/z/、/ð/、/ƒ/、/tƒ/、/dз/等辅音音素 /i/、/e/、/æ/、/au/、/ai/、/ei/等元音音素 -- 不要紧张,应不紧不慢,富有节奏(宁慢不要仓促) -- 考生的吞音现象非常严重。Remember:辅音读音即使不发音一定要做口型;连读要清晰 -- 注意轻读、弱读、重音、节奏等 -- 录音时要注意对准microphone 2. 回答问题 -- 看清楚问题,理解问题,整理条理性、逻辑性 -- Retell和summary的练习非常有必要 -- 进入回答问题环节时,不能犹豫太长时间,否则时间不够。 -- 一般注意逻辑思维,内容是否贴切,是否通顺、流畅等 -- 没话说,就举例子 -- 大量借用文章的语句,扣分会比较严重 -- 总体的回答和作文是一般套路:先答出自己的主要内容/观点,给出理由(分点)、再总结升华 tips: 1. 朗读完毕后,应该稍微停顿两到三秒,平静下情绪。 2. 回答问题时可以看着稿子,实在没话了,可以借用文章中一两句话,以缓解紧张思维。 3. 增加词汇量,很多人词都不会读,谈何朗读?如:thought, conversation, consciousness, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing, strategy … Passage 1 Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice. For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers. All this imposes a constant pressure and strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm. The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career. (281 words) Passage 2 The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness, then pain must be equal to unhappiness. But in fact, the opposite is true: more often than not, things that lead to happiness involve some pain. As a result, many people avoid the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as marriage, raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment(承但的义务)self-improvement. Ask a bachelor(单身汉)why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment. For commitment is in fact quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, excitement. Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features. Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night’s sleep or three-day vacation. I don’t know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising chidren. But couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child grow up or of playing with a grandchild. Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations. It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can genuinely increase our happiness. It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless. And it liberates us from envy: we now understand that all those who are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all.(295 words) Passage 3 If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste. Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened; neck lines are lowered or raised, and so on. No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn’t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes. When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability?That is for you to decide. (325 words) Passage 4 Reading is thought to be a kind of conversation between the reader and the text. The reader puts questions, as it were, to the text and gets answers. In the light of these he puts further questions, and so on. For most of the time this “conversation” goes on below the level of consciousness. At times, however, we become aware of it. This is usually when we are running into difficulties, when mismatch is occurring between expectations and meaning. When successful matching is being experienced, our questioning of the text continues at the unconscious level. Different people converse with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page; others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing and examining. The former represents a kind of comprehension which is written in the text. The latter represents higher levels of comprehension. The balance between these is important, especially for advanced readers. There is another conversation which from our point of view is equally important, and that is to do not with what is read but with how it is read. We call this a “process” conversation as opposed to a “content” conversation. It is concerned not with meaning but with the strategies we employ in reading. If we are an advanced reader our ability to hold a process conversation with a text is usually pretty well developed. Not so our ability to hold a content conversation. It is precisely this kind of conversation that is of importance when we are seeking to develop our reading to meet the new demands being placed upon us by studying at a higher level. (273 words ) Questions: 1. Do you believe reading is a kind of conversation? Why or why not? 2. Take one of the passages you have read for example to show us: How did you yourself hold a conversation with the writer when you read? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8f5f7e2caef8941ea66e052b.html