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| 关键词: 英语 口语 鞋子 我想买双阿迪达斯的运动鞋

AI want a pair of sports shoes,Adidas. 我想买双运动鞋,要阿迪达斯牌的. BWhat size do you want 您要多大

AI wear size 40. 我穿40号。

BHow about this oneIts the latest design. 这种怎么样是最新款式的。 AOh,I like the color. 哦,我喜欢这种颜色。 我要为我的儿子选购双鞋

AHi! I am looking for a pair of shoes for my son. 你好,我正在为我的儿子找一双鞋。

BSure thing!Here we are!If youre looking for dress shoes,we have several different styles of Oxfords for boys.We also carry athletic shoes, hiking boots.


AOh Jacob, how about these sneakers Jacob,这双跑步鞋如何 BMom Theyve got Velcro.


AWell, then how about these What is this style called 这双呢这种款式叫什么

BTheyre tennis shoes. Theyre very popular with teens and young adults.

那是网球鞋。很受年轻人和青年的欢迎。 AOooo, Mom, can I get these 妈妈,我能买这些吗 BWhat are those 这是什么鞋

ATheyre Chuck Taylors! Everyone has them! Can I, please 那是查泰勒鞋。每个人都有这样的鞋。我能买这双吗

BI dont know. Would they go with your clothes The backs are really high. and the way the tongue just sticks up. Theyre almost like a boot. And the sole doesnt look like it would have a very good


ATheyre only forty-five dollars! And theyve got cool fluorescent orange shoelaces! Mom

只卖45美元。鞋有很酷的荧光桔色鞋带。妈妈 BOK, try them on. 好吧,试试吧。

AWhat size are your feet 你的脚多大

BHe is a size nine. 9.

AWell try a size forty-three on you firstand see how that fits. 我们先来试下43号的,看看是否适合。
