初中英语听力mp3下载:我来帮你搞定 我来帮你搞定 Don: It's not too late! She's still here. Get back over there. 唐: 现在还不迟!她还在那里。再回那边去吧。 Herbert: I can't. Anyway, her 1) interests are completely 2) different from mine. 赫伯特: 我不行。反正,她的兴趣跟我完全不同。 Don: How do you know? 唐: 你怎么知道。 Herbert: I talked about baseball and heavy metal. She was bored. 赫伯特: 我提到棒球跟重金属。她觉得无聊。 Don: What does she do? 唐: 她是做什么的? Herbert: She's a piano teacher. Her name is Rose. 赫伯特: 她钢琴老师。她的名字是柔丝。 Don: OK. Let me 3) handle this. 唐: 好吧。我来帮你搞定。 Herbert: Don, what are you doing? Oh, no. 赫伯特: 唐,你在干嘛?唉唷!不要啦! 语言详解 A: You should tell Matt that you cheated on him. 你应该告诉麦特你背着他搞外遇。 B: It's a confession that I don't think he can handle. 这样的告白我想他无法承受。 【Let me handle this. 让我来处理】 当别人束手无策,或是没办法完成一件事,而你想把整件事扛下来时,就能够说这句话。 A: The boss is coming! He's going to be angry! 老板来了!他要发脾气了! B: Let me handle this. I know the boss really well. 让我来处理。我很了解老板。 还有另外一种情况是,别人说要把一件事揽下来,但你不确定这个人是不是真能办到,就能够问Could you handle it? 你能处理吗? A: I'll watch the office while you're at lunch. 你出去吃午饭时,我会看好办公室。 B: Sure. If you can handle it. 假如你能处理的话当然好。 1) interest (n.) 兴趣,喜好 2) different from... 与……不同 3) handle (v.) 处理,掌控 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8fbd1c5a48fe04a1b0717fd5360cba1aa9118cf9.html