向伟大的白衣天使致敬英文作文 向伟大的白衣天使致敬英文作文 在日常生活或是工作学习中,许多人都有过写的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是为大家提供的'向伟大的白衣天使致敬英文作文,欢送大家分享。 新型冠状病毒肆虐的困难时刻钟南山院士,无数医务人员,全国各地党员干部纷纷走到前台,直面病毒,主动请战,一线战斗。 The novel coronavirus raged hard times. Academician Zhong Nanshan, countless medical personnel, Party members and cadres across the country came to the front desk, faced the virus, took the initiative to fight for battle. 春节他们不能和家人团聚,我在心里默默祈祷,愿他们平安,安康的打赢病毒,取得胜利。也为他们大公无私,舍小家,为大家的高尚精神,由衷的感到敬佩和仰慕。仰视这道风景线,我们看到了充满大爱,闪耀希望的光辉。 They can't be reunited with their families in the Spring Festival. I pray silently in my heart that they can win the virus and win the victory safely and healthily. Also for their selflessness, small homes, for the noble spirit of everyone, sincerely feel admiration and admiration. Looking up at this scenic line, we can see the light full of great love and shining hope. 这场病毒,让武汉所有在第一战线上的医护人员放弃了陪伴家人过春节团聚的时机 This virus made all medical staff on the first front in Wuhan give up the opportunity to aompany their families for the Spring Festival reunion 我总在想,万一被病毒传染了怎么办,每天都在跟死神赛跑,把一个个病人从死亡边缘上拉了回来。 I always think about what to do in case of being infected by the virus. Every day, I race with the God of death, pulling patients back from the edge of death. 武汉的医护人员,穿着沉重的隔离服,以为很难脱掉,为了争取更多的时间,她们都带着尿不湿上冈。一个个20多岁30多岁的医生的脸被囗罩勒的红肿,我以此为荣。 The medical staff in Wuhan, wearing heavy isolation clothes, thought it was difficult to take them off. In order to buy more time, they all went to the hills with diapers. I'm proud of the red and swollen faces of doctors in their 20s and 30s. 我要向你们致敬,是你们的牺牲,才有我们的平安。中国加油,我们一定可以战胜病毒 I want to salute you. It's your sacrifice that gives us peace. Come on, China. We can defeat the virus 新冠状病毒疫情无情的爆发让很多医护人员没能和家人团聚,奔赴武汉抗疫第一线。 The relentless outbreak of the new coronavirus has left many medical staff unable to reunite with their families and rushed to the front line of anti epidemic in Wuhan. 我在电视里看到他们为了心中的责任,浴血奋战,不眠不休的坚持坚守在岗位上。感到很敬佩。也看到他们因为防护服只要脱下来就不能再用了,为了节省物资,不敢多吃饭、多喝一口水。感到很心痛。 I saw them on TV fighting for their responsibility in their hearts and sticking to their posts. I feel very admired. We also see that they can't use the protective clothing as long as they take it off. In order to save materials, they dare not eat more and drink more water. I feel very sad. 你们是多么伟大、高尚无私的白衣天使啊!为了全国人民安康你们辛苦了! What a great, noble and selfless angel in white you are! You work hard for the health of the whole nation! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/90b1984ca75177232f60ddccda38376baf1fe091.html