专业介绍-化学 化学专业,先看了下排名,伯克利赫然是第一名,这所公校果然强大,其实我一直认为MIT是化学第一。化学这个专业范围太大,每个学校的专业分解也不一样。我们先跟着伯克利走一遍吧。伯克利化学有专门的化学学院(强悍!),化学和化学工程都在里面。跟工院撇清关系,学化学的都一起哈。 在化学方面伯克利一共分了三类: Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry The Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry prepares students for careers as professional chemists and serves as a foundation for careers in other fields such as biology and medicine. The curriculum offers a thorough fundamental knowledge of the major fields of chemistry, covering the general areas of inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, plus many more specialized courses including analytical, nuclear, and biophysical chemistry and chemical biology. Students gain laboratory experience in inorganic and organic synthesis, analytical methods, physical chemical measurements, spectroscopy, biochemical engineering, and chemical methods in nuclear technology. Undergraduates are encouraged to take full advantage of the scientific opportunities available in the department by joining a research group. In addition, the department offers a Materials Chemistry concentration intended for students interested in the application of basic chemical principles to the discovery, design, and characterization of materials. 上面是专业的简单介绍,估计在本科阶段估计还没有分的这么细,所urses 以它把inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry, plus many more specialized coincluding analytical, nuclear, and biophysical chemistry and chemical biology(无机,有机,物化,分析化学,核化学,生物物理化学,化学生物)这么多专业,都放在化学专业里面,另外还外加了材料化学方向。基本算是研究类里面包罗万象了。 我个人认为,如果读这个专业,本科毕业想工作,自己都不好意思,认真读到博士吧,否则出来只能给人洗瓶子。 Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering 化学工程专业,原本我认为应该放在工院里面的,看来伯克利的化学学院实在强大。化学工程的薪资在美国是非常高的,大家可以查下薪资排行,这个专业的薪资应该和CS不相上下。不过随着美国化工企业的外迁,需求整体是下降的。不过搞事的川普没准弄出些新气象来也说不准。 另外,学历要求也是非常高的。化学行业和医院类似,没博士都不好意思出来混,除非在商务圈。 Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Biology The Chemical Biology major is intended for students who are interested in careers as professional chemists, or in the biological sciences including the biomedical, biotechnology, and pharmaceutical industries. 这个专业比较前沿,生物制药类,基本是医药行业发展的新兴方向。目前医药类的企业在美国主要在新泽西(东部),最近在加州圣地亚哥也有不少了。感觉就业出路应该有,同样,博士啊! 当然在万金油文理学院里面还设立了一个: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Chemistry 没有详细介绍,应该类似化学学院里面的化学系。 扒完化学学院,发现伯克利外面还有一个非常有趣的专业: Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology 营养科学与毒理学,还有一个minor Toxicology 毒理学。大家不要谈毒变色,非常好的专业, 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/91097d50874769eae009581b6bd97f192379bf66.html