Welcome to IntelliJ IDEA 15
You can quickly(迅速地;很快地) get familiar(熟悉的;常见的;亲近的) with(用;随着;支持;和…在一起) the main features(产品特点,特征;容貌;嘴脸) of(关于;属于;…的;由…组成的) the IDE by reading these(这些) tips( 秘诀,技巧;小贴士,小窍门). You may try out the features described in the tips while this dialog stays open on the screen. If you close the dialog, you can always get back to it from the Help | Tip of the Day main menu item.
To open any class in the editor quickly, press Ctrl+N (Navigate | Class) and start typing the name of the class. Choose the class from a drop-down list that appears.
You can open any file in your project in a similar way by using Ctrl+Shift+N (Navigate | File)
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The Code Completion feature lets you quickly complete different kinds of statements in the code. For example, start typing a class name and press Ctrl+空格 to complete it. When multiple choices are available, they are shown in the lookup list.
You can quickly find all places where a particular class, method or variable is used in the whole project by positioning the caret at the symbol's name or at its usage in code and pressing Alt+F7 (Edit | Find | Find Usages in the popup menu).
To quickly see the documentation for a class or method at caret, press Ctrl+Q (View | Quick Documentation).
To navigate to the declaration of a class, method or variable used somewhere in the code, position the caret at the usage and press Ctrl+B (Navigate | Declaration). You can also click the mouse on usages with the Ctrl key pressed to jump to declarations.
You can quickly navigate in the currently edited file with Ctrl+F12 (Navigate | File Structure).
It shows the list of members of the current class. Select an element you want to navigate to and press the Enter key or the F4 key.
To easily locate an item in the list, just start typing its name.
You can easily rename your classes, methods and variables with automatic correction of all places where they are used.
To try it, place the caret at the symbol you want to rename, and press Shift+F6 (Refactor | Rename). Type the new name in the popup window that appears, or select one of the suggested names, and press Enter.
You may easily override methods of the base class by pressing Ctrl+O (Code | Override Methods).
To implement methods of the interfaces that the current class implements (or of the abstract base class), use Ctrl+I (Code | Implement methods)
The SmartType code completion greatly helps to find methods and variables that are suitable in the current context, by analyzing the expected type of the whole expression. So doing, IntelliJ IDEA pinpoints the top five most suitable results and highlights them on the green background. For example, type
and press Ctrl+Shift+空格:
The SmartType completion also works after the return keyword, in an assignm