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表姐英语说法1 cousin

表姐英语说法2 elder female cousin 表姐的英语例句: 原来她姑姑就是我表姐。

It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same (person).

她是我的表姐。 She is my cousin. 原来她姑妈就是我表姐。

It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same.


My cousin is going to have a baby. 我表姐事先也没打招呼就突然来城里了。 My cousin blew in town without any notice. 表姐总是尝试着把她的同事介绍给我。

My cousin is alyaws trying to set me up with women from her officer.


My cousin sells her garden produce in the market. 今天表姐来看我。

She is an electrician working in an electronic factory. 我表姐购物的时候失去理智,买了一大堆不必要的东西。

My cousin lost her head while shopping and bought lots of

unnecessary things.


She looks a bit like his cousin Maureen. 利奥关于她表姐的一些不当言辞

Leo's uncalled-for remarks about her cousin 他表姐刚才来找他。

His girl cousin just came for him.

她有一位表姐,这位表姐是个身体健壮的女士。 She has a cousin who is a healthy lady. 附近没有什么地方你可以领你表姐去看看吗?

Have you nothing to show your cousin anywhere about? 我们要在表姐家呆五天。

We are in our cousin's house five days.


He wondered whether these remarks came from naive candor or from what her cousin had called her social experience.

就像我表姐上次派对时那样。 And it's my cousin's birthday, so. 你的表姐几岁?她十二岁.

How old is your cousin? She is twelve. 衙来想想,表姐太可笑了!

Later I thought my cousin was just too silly.

“天那,劳拉,出了什么事?!”看着她表姐的样子,梅利急着问。 “ Heavens, Nora, what happened?!” Melly exclaimed when she saw the condition her cousin was in.
