
时间:2022-10-22 10:03:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

by Alice

White collars in the world,

Sharp managers, graceful ladies and gentlemen in the party,

Sweating harbors and salesmen with formal suits;

Never-ending noises, hasty, bustling,

City of the oriental pearl:

They tell me you are unfair and I believe them, for I have seen a large amount of people still living in the slum and facing the threaten of starvation while the richest drinking the luxury wine in the big house. They tell me you are cold and I answer: Yes, it is true I have seen the old man tumble to bleed but no one come to help him.

They tell me you are selfish and my reply is: I have see the friends treat each other to pursue profit and high speeding cars run the red light regardless of the walking people.

And having replied so I turn once more to those who laugh at this my city, and I give back the laugh and say to them:

Come and show me another city with developing so rapidly and blooming and energetic and competive.

Brave as a fighter with holding the weapon tightly to kill the enemy,

cunning as a rabbit against eagles. Crowed,

Digging, Shoveling, Demolishing,

Planning, building, destroying,

Under the dirty dust and humble fate laughing as an innocent kid laughs, Laughing even as a brave fighter laughs who just win the doing-dong


Boasting and laughing that the hurt is still bleeding, the heart is strongly

beating. Laughing!

Laughing the noisy, hasty and bustling, proud to be white collars, sharp

managers, graceful ladies and gentlemen, Sweating harbors and salesmen with formal suits.
