复活节的习俗英文 Easter eggs are specially decorated eggs given out to celebrate the Easter holiday. The oldest tradition is to use dyed and painted chicken eggs, but a modern custom is to substitute eggs made from chocolate, or plastic eggs filled with candy such as jellybeans. Many Americans follow the tradition of coloring hard-boiled eggs and giving baskets of candy. The Easter Bunny is a popular legendary anthropomorphic Easter gift-giving character analogous to Santa Claus in American culture. On Easter Monday, the President of the United States holds an annual Easter egg roll on the White House lawn for young children. 鸡蛋、小鸡、小兔子以及鲜花是典型的复活节礼物,因为它们都与春天和生命力有关。传统的复活节上,人们会直接用鸡蛋制作彩蛋,而现在大多数彩蛋都是巧克力彩蛋或装满糖果的塑料蛋。 不少美国人现在还按照传统,在煮好的.鸡蛋上进行彩绘,并用篮子装上糖果送人。复活节兔子就如同圣诞老人一样扮演着节日上分发礼品的角色。复活节后的星期一,美国总统通常会在白宫草坪上为孩子们举办滚彩蛋活动。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9417e6ed9dc3d5bbfd0a79563c1ec5da50e2d66c.html