
时间:2024-04-04 21:00:37 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


As a child, I most like playing in the Sunny Day, in the bright sunshine and partners to share that share the joy of the Sun. There is a mulberry tree in my backyard, in May, Purple Mulberry on the dotted branches, heavy, pressure mulberry branches hanging head. Every time at this time, we these gluttonous children can not suppress the joy in the heart-again can be a big feast! Standing in front of the Mulberry Tree, we are far more energetic than in Class A hundred times. However, every time also encounter the same problem-the tree is too high, who to pick it? Everyone you look at me, I look at you, and finally cast their eyes on me, no way, who let me be theirCommander it! Without a word, I pulled back the brim of my hat, looking like a man who had gone away for good.

I emboldened, first look around, there is a pile of bricks next to the tree, I climbed up the pile of bricks, wanted to use the leg a push, up a jump, pull down the mulberry branches with his hands. Unexpectedly, as soon as the brick under my feet came loose, I fell to the ground with one fell upon my head. The painful taste was even worse than when my father spanked me. My nose, my stomach turned sour, and I wanted to cry, but I saw all theSubordinates staring at me, and I had to hold

back my tears, he put on a brave face and stood up, enduring the pain. At this time, I do not know who found a chair, this should be much more stable bar. I climbed into the chair, not daring to be careless. I pulled down the Mulberry Branch with one hand and picked the mulberry with the other. GOT IT! Got It! The men shouted excitedly. I picked up the mulberry and stuffed it into my mouth. I just felt the juice filling my mouth and the sweet and sour juice flowing into my heart. Then came the cries of theMen below: Don't worry about yourself, throw some down. I knew they would tear the chairs down if I didn't feed them, so I shouted, Good! I'm afraid you can't catch it! I dropped a mulberry, just hit aSubordinate on the nose, the juice dyed his nose purple, like a clown in the circus, causing everyone to laugh.

Every story of my childhood brings me endless pleasure and becomes an eternal memory.
