myfriend英语作文3年级 myfriend英语作文3年级 在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?下面是小编精心整理的myfriend英语作文3年级,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 What are friends, friends? I still haven't figured it out. I have a lot of "friends" who are basically nice to me. They can always be there when I need them; Always comfort me when I am sad; Always be able to share with me the joy of success when I succeed... Maybe it's a friend. I also have some "friends". They love to point and tell the person behind their backs. They're so pretentious, they're making fun of people in front of their faces, but they're trying to hurt people in front of others... Maybe it's a friend. I still have a kind of "friends", they are loyal, never hide your friends anything, they sincere, let me feel warm, they use their heart to treat others... Maybe it's a friend. Humans have a lot of friends, for example, dogs. People often say that dogs are human friends. So how do humans treat their "friends"? When humans need dogs, they eat them well and live well. When they don't need them, they sweep the dog out the door. Humans believe that dog meat is tender and delicious, so they hunt dogs in large quantities. When people eat dog meat, they don't feel guilty at all. They don't even remember that dogs are human friends and don't care about how dogs feel. Still, dogs remain loyal, kind and serving people. That's a friend? Among humans, there is a group of people who flatter themselves by being useful to themselves. When it's critical, use each other. Once you have lost your value, kick your friend off. That's a friend? Everyone has their own friends. Some friends make people feel warm. Some friends make people feel cold; Some friends make people feel genuine... It is. Some friends can show up when they need him. Some friends are only hypocrites; Some friends treat others with their most sincere and kind hearts. Some friends take advantage of each other... Maybe it's a friend. 朋友,究竟什么是朋友?我至今仍然没有弄明白。 我的“朋友”很多,他们基本上都对我很好。他们总是能够在我需要他们的时候及时出现;总是能在我伤心的时候安慰我;总是能在我成功的时候与我分享成功的喜悦……也许,这就是朋友吧。 我还有一些“朋友”。他们总爱在别人背后对那个人指指点点,说三道四的;他们很做作,在人家面前嬉皮笑脸,背后,却在别人面前恶意中伤别人……也许,这就是朋友吧。 我的“朋友”还有一种,他们很忠诚,从不隐瞒自己的朋友任何事情,他们真诚,让我感到温暖,他们用自己的心来对待别人……也许,这就是朋友吧。 人类的朋友也有很多,例如,狗。人们经常说,狗,是人类的朋友。那么,人类又是怎样对待他们的“朋友”的呢?人类在需要狗的时候,就给它们吃好的,住好的;不需要它们的时候,就把狗扫地出门。人类认为狗肉鲜嫩美味,于是就大量地捕杀狗。当人们吃狗肉的时候,大家丝毫不会感到愧疚,根本不会记得狗是人类的朋友,不会去理会狗的感受。尽管如此,狗仍然是一如既往地忠诚,善良,为人们服务。这就是朋友? 人类之中,有一群人,他们对自己有用的人,就逢迎拍马。到关键时候,就互相利用。对自己已然失去利用价值以后,就将“朋友” 本文来源: