外教一对一 http://www.yangjiajiao.com “煎饼果子”英文怎么说 煎饼果子英文咋说呢,不知道的话咋跟外国友人介绍呢。如果是以外国人好理解的方式,可以说“Chinese-style omelette wrap”。“omelette wrap”就是煎蛋卷饼的意思,和咱煎饼果子的制作方法相似,里面也会包裹一些肉类或者菜叶,所以这么说外国人能直接想象出是什么样子的东西。 当然,由于煎饼果子现在在国外太火爆了,我们可以直接说“Jianbing”,很多英文网站介绍煎饼也直接用“Jianbing”来表达。但是如果遇到没吃过没见过的,你就要仔细介绍一下这个东西是什么,怎么做成的,要介绍貌似难度更大,我们来看下英文网页是怎么介绍的。 Jianbing is one of China's most popular street breakfasts. And while all manner of Chinese buns and dumplings have spread well beyond the country's borders, it also might be China's best-kept culinary secret. 煎饼是中国最著名的街头小吃之一。当各种中国包子和饺子享誉世界的时候,煎饼也成为美食界的一道江湖秘笈。 Every metropolitan neighborhood across the People's Republic has its own jianbing vendor serving breakfast from dawn through mid-morning, satisfying hungry locals on their way to work. 中国各地煎饼配方各不相同,煎饼摊主们一般从天蒙蒙亮一直营业到中午,为的就是让忙碌的上班族们能吃上早餐。 It starts with batter ladled onto a round cast-iron griddle. An egg or two are not so much scrambled as scrawled across the surface. 制作一个完美的煎饼有几道工序,先把面糊舀出,铺在圆形的煎锅上。然后打一道两个鸡蛋,均匀铺展开。 Ingredients and order vary: scattered scallions, cilantro and zha cai (pickled mustard root); fat brush strokes of tianmianjiang (sweet bean paste) and chile sauce; and fried dough in the form of fluffy batons (you tiao) or flat blistered rectangles (cui bing). 煎饼里面加的馅料多种多样,可以撒点葱末、香菜和榨菜,再用刷子涂点甜面酱和辣酱,还能来跟油条和脆饼。 煎饼果子制作教程 A thick, sticky wad of dough is deftly spread into a giant pancake, thin as a crêpe, using a thick wooden paddle. 舀一团面团到煎锅上,用木质刮板快速摊开,摊成薄薄的一块。 While the crêpe cooks, an egg or two are cracked onto its uncooked surface and spread evenly. 煎饼煎好之后,打上一到两个鸡蛋,并铺摊匀。 And then topped with finely chopped scallions, zha cai and cilantro. 撒上切好的葱末、榨菜和香菜。 文章来源:www.yangjiajiao.com 外教一对一 http://www.yangjiajiao.com The jianbing is folded in half like a fan, and sweet bean paste and lajiao chili sauce spread on the back to taste. Place youtiao or cui bing in it, roll up and chop it in half to make it easier to eat. 把煎饼折叠,反面涂上甜面酱和辣椒酱。加上油条或者脆饼,然后把煎饼卷起来,从中间切开,方便入口。 文章来源:www.yangjiajiao.com 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/969b42a2d3d233d4b14e852458fb770bf78a3b6b.html