
时间:2023-09-22 20:28:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载






1. 追求简单而快乐的生活 - Pursue a simple and happy life Example: Meg chose to marry for love, not wealth, and pursued a simple and happy life.

2. 热情奔放的梦想家 - Enthusiastic dreamer

Example: Jo, an enthusiastic dreamer, was determined to become a successful writer.

3. 渴望成为一名作家 - Aspire to be a writer

Example: Jo aspired to be a writer and poured her heart into her stories.

4. 温柔善良的姐妹 - Gentle and kind sister

Example: Beth, a gentle and kind sister, always put others' needs before her own.

5. 热爱艺术和时尚 - Passionate about art and fashion

Example: Amy was passionate about art and fashion, and she dreamed of becoming a successful painter.

6. 展现了女性在19世纪社会中的角色与挑战 - Portray the roles and challenges of women in the 19th century society

Example: The book "Little Women" portrays the roles and challenges of women in the 19th century society.

7. 家庭、友情和自我实现的重要性 - The importance of family, friendship, and self-fulfillment

Example: The novel emphasizes the importance of family,
