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的英文单词是and and

[ənd] [ənd ənænd]

conj.和,与; 而且; 于是,然后; 因此 例句:

1.Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen. 记住:保持乐观的心态,好事自然会发生。

2.The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places. 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方会变得更坚强。

3.For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn? 我们活着是为了什么?不就是给邻居当笑柄,再反过来笑他们。

相关词组: and so 因此;所以 and then 于是,然后 and so on 等等;诸如此类

and some 还有别的;还不止这些;比这个还要多 [美国口语] 还有别的,还不止这些 and all 等等;的确;此外;连一齐都 and now 那么;那么现在

and found [美国英语](工资以外)供给膳宿[亦作 all found] and yet 可是,然而

in and out 进进出出;来来去去 and one's train 及其同类 and the like 等等;依次类推 and reason 这也是有道理的 and things [口语]等等之类

and vice versa 反之亦然;反过来也一样
