单词drunk的中文是什么意思 单词drunk的中文是什么意思 单词drunk是一个过去分词形式,我们掌握了它的中文意思才不会出现用错。下面就让店铺给大家分享单词drunk的中文是什么意思,希望能对你有帮助! drunk的中文意思 英 [drk] 美 [drk] 第三人称复数:drunks 形容词 醉的; 沉醉; 陶醉的; 飘飘然 名词 醉汉,酒鬼,酗酒者 动词 喝(酒)( drink的过去分词); 饮; 喝酒; (尤指)酗酒 相关例句 形容词 1. He was dead drunk. 他烂醉如泥。 2. He got dead drunk on only two cans of beer. 他才喝了两罐啤酒就烂醉如泥了。 3. He was drunk with success. 他因成功而陶醉。 4. He was very drunk. 他喝得大醉。 drunk的词典解释 1. 喝醉的 Someone who is drunk has drunk so much alcohol that they cannot speak clearly or behave sensibly. e.g. Stewart could not remember exactly why he had done it because he was so drunk... 斯图尔特记不清他为什么要那样做了,因为他烂醉如泥。 e.g. I got drunk and had to be carried home... 我喝醉了,只好让人把我送回家。 2. 醉汉,酒鬼;酗酒者 A drunk is someone who is drunk or frequently gets drunk. e.g. A drunk lay in the alley. 一个酒鬼躺在小胡同里。 3. 陶醉的';兴奋的;沉醉的 If you are drunk with a strong emotion or an experience, you are in a state of great excitement because of it. e.g. They are currently drunk with success... 他们现在正陶醉于成功之中。 e.g. I felt drunk with the excitement of life. 当时我沉醉于生活中的精彩刺激。 drunk的双语例句 1. He gets drunk every day and is a real wino. 他每天都喝得醉醺醺的,是个十足的酒徒。 2. I was drunk and he had such delicate hands. 我那时喝多了,而且他的手是那么的漂亮 3. It's incredible to see an entire civilized nation like England to protect and justify a group of headless and drunk people who go all around Europe to provocate disorders for tens of years. 真让人难以置信,英格兰这样一个完全文明化的国家居然会对一群没有大脑的醉鬼进行保护和辩护,在这几十年里,他们在欧洲的各个地方闹事。 4. To say he is iii is stretching the truth-- he was merely drunk. 说他病了是言过其实,他只不过是喝醉了。 5. I felt drunk after only one bottle of beer. 我喝了一瓶啤酒后就感觉醉了。 6. I have drunk coffee in one breath, as much Yigu fragrant, extremely cool. 我一口气喝光了咖啡,竟有一股浓香,爽极了。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/986856c2142ded630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77d9488.html