英语口语中各种类型数字的正确读法 英语口语中各种类型数字的正确口语读法,这篇英语口语中各种类型数字的正确口语读法是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。 (1)年号的.读法: 2005←→two thousand and five 1999←→nineteen ninety-nine or nineteen hundred (and) ninety-nine (2)电话号码、货币的读法: 1023←→one o two three 1227←→one double two (or two two) even 4.25$←→four dollars (and) twenty-five (cents) (3)小数点的读法: 13.91←→thirteen decimal (point) nineone 0.23←→nought demical two three (4)算术式的读法: 2+3=5 Two plus three is (equals, isequal to) five. 5-3=2 Five minus three is equal to two. 3×2=6 Three times two is six. or Three by two are six. 9÷3=3 Nine divided bythreemakesthree. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9a1021d5740bf78a6529647d27284b73f2423633.html