英文牛的谚语 1、牛无力拉横耙,人无理说横话。 Cows can't pull the rake and people can't speak crosswords. 2、宁为鸡口,不为牛后。 Better a chicken's mouth than a cow's back. 3、九月重阳,放开牛羊。 In September Chongyang, let go of cattle and sheep. 4、牛不喝水强按头。 Cattle press their heads without drinking water. 5、学者如牛毛,成者如麟角。 Scholars are like cattle hairs, and adults are like corners. 6、圈干槽净,牛儿没病。 The circle is dry and the cattle are not sick. 7、牛不知角弯,马不知脸长。 Cows don't know the corners, horses don't know the faces. 8、牛吃百样草,样样都上膘。 Cattle eat all kinds of grass, all kinds of fat. 9、有牛使牛,无牛使犊。 A cow makes a cow, but no cow makes a calf. 10、牛栏通风,牛力无穷。 The cowshed is ventilated, and the cow's strength is infinite. 11、牛有千斤力,不能一时逼。 A cow has a kilo of strength and can't be pushed for a moment. 12、三分靠喂,七分靠用。 Three Points depend on feeding and seven points depend on using. 13、冬牛体质好,饮水不可少。 Winter cattle have good physique and drinking water is indispensable. 14、牛是农家宝,有勤无牛白起早。 Cattle are farm treasures. No cattle get up early without diligence. 15、栏内无牛空起早。 No cattle in the pen get up early. 16、养牛没有巧,水足草料饱。 There is no coincidence in raising cattle. They are full of water and grass. 17、冬天要铺床,夏天要口塘。 Make beds in winter and ponds in summer. 18、常刷皮,壮身体。 Often brush skin, strong body. 19、人吃牛饭,不能蛮干。 Man can't do a rough job when he eats cow's rice. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9a29576659f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f5727a4e92434.html