匆匆那年英语介绍 导语:《匆匆那年》是北京小马奔腾影业、引力影视、光线影业、北京凤凰联动影视文化2014年联合出品的校园爱情片,改编自九夜茴同名小说。该影片由张一白执导,彭于晏、倪妮、郑恺、魏晨、张子萱、陈赫等人主演。该影片讲述了阳光少年陈寻、痴心女孩方茴、温情暖男乔燃、纯情备胎赵烨、豪放女神林嘉茉这群死党跨越十五年的青春、记忆与友情的故事。 电影匆匆那年英文介绍 As Jiu Yehui, author of Fleet of Time, wrote in her novel’s preface, the book is meant to resonate especially with the post-1980s generation. The novel’s movie adaptation, which is to be released on Dec 5, targets the same demographic. 正如《匆匆那年》的作者九夜茴在小说的序言中所写,这本书是献给中国所有80后的。根据小说改编的同名电影今天上映,目标锁定这一观众群。 The story begins with Chen Xun (Eddie Peng) and Fang Hui (Ni Ni) meeting during their first year of senior high school, the time when love’s kindred spirit first begins to awaken. Peng’s character possesses all the characteristics of a high school hunk. He’s got a handsome face, he’s class monitor, and he’s an excellent basketball player. Ni Ni’s character on the other hand is plain, introverted and sensitive. 故事伊始,刚上高一的陈寻(彭于晏 饰)与方茴(倪妮 饰)初相见,他们心中爱的种子一点点生根发芽。陈寻拥有所有高中时“男神”的必备特质:长相帅气、担任班长、还打得一手好篮球。倪妮饰演的方茴却相对平凡,内向而敏感。 You can probably guess what happens next. A crush develops between the two. They begin dating and share their first kiss, and then they begin to quarrel before finally drifting apart from each other. 接下来的故事不说你也能猜到。随着暧昧情愫的不断生长,他们经历了第一次约会、初吻,也不可避免地开始争吵,最后以分手告终。 The closing song plays over a dramatic scene in which Chen, with tears in his eyes, looks upon his love for the first time after a long separation. The audience is left to wonder whether the two get back together again. 片尾描述了戏剧性的一幕:分别多年后,陈寻满眼泪水地注视着这个第一次让自己心动的姑娘……他们到底还能不能重新走到一起?此时,片尾曲响起,电影把这个悬念留给了观众。 The film stands on themes of youth, first love and friendship, helping it to rouse the collective memory of many in the post-1980s generation. We’re also taken back to China’s successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games and the national soccer team’s first appearance in the 2002 World Cup, both of are hazy memories in the minds of post-1980s kids. 影片以青春、初恋以及友情为主题,想要唤起80后的共同记忆。我们再次回顾了许多童年大事,比如中国成功申办2008年奥运会,比如2002年中国足球第一次出现在世界杯的赛场。 The film’s soundtrack is also worth mentioning. When (from TV series Return of the Pearl Princess) and I Want to Shout I Love You (from Japanese animation Slam Dunk) played, I was taken back to my high school days. 除了剧情,影片的配乐也值得一提。《当》(《还珠格格》的主题曲)、《好想大声说喜欢你》(日本动画片《灌篮高手》片头曲)这些熟悉的音乐在剧中响起的时候,我仿佛又回到了中学时代。 As a fan of the novel, I couldn’t help but grumble at how the movie focuses less than the book on the couple’s time together in high school. It was during this time that they were 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9c7c90c1e309581b6bd97f19227916888486b936.html