A Goodbye Kiss-爸爸的道别之吻 The Board Meeting had come to an end. Bob starred 董事会议结束了,鲍勃站起身时to stand up and jostled the table, spilling his coffee over his notes. "How embarrassing. I am getting so clumsy in my old age." 不小心撞到了桌子,把咖啡洒到了笔记本上。“真丢脸啊,这把年级了还毛毛糙糙的。”他不好意思地说。 Everyone had a good laugh, and soon we were all 所有人都哈哈大笑起来,然后我telling stories of our most embarrassing moments. 们都开始讲述自己经历的最尴尬的时It came around to Frank who sat quietly listening 刻。一圈过来,轮到一直默默坐在那有人说:“来to the others. Someone said," Come on, Frank. Tell 儿听别人讲的弗兰克了。us your most embarrassing moment." Frank began," I grew up in San Pedro. My Dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. He had his own 弗兰克开始了他的讲述。“我是boat, but it was hard making a living on the sea. 在桑派德罗长大的。我爸爸是一位渔He worked hard and would stay out until he caught 夫,他非常热爱大海。他有自己的小但是靠在海上捕鱼为生太艰难了。enough to feed he family. Not just enough for our 船,family, but also for his Mom and Dad and the other 他辛勤的劳动着,一直待在海上直到kids that were still and home." He looked at us and 捕到足以养活全家的鱼为止。他不仅said," I wish you could have met my Dad. He was a 要养活我们的小家,还要养活爷爷奶big man, and he was strong from pulling the nets and 奶以及还未成远的弟弟妹妹,”弗兰fighting the seas for his catch. When you got close 克看着我们,继续说,“我真希望你们见过我的爸爸,他是一个身材高大to him, he smelled the ocean." 的男人。因长期拉网捕鱼,与大海搏 Frank's voice dropped a bit." When the weather 斗的缘故,他十分强壮。走进他时,was bad he would drive me to school. He would pull 你能够闻到他身上散发出来的大海的right up in front, and it seemed like everybody would 气息。” be standing around and watching. Then he would lean over and give me a big kiss on the cheek and tell 弗兰克的声音低了一点:“天气me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing for me. 不好的时候,爸爸会开车送我们去学Here I was twelve years old, and my Dad would lean 校。他会把车停在学校正门口,好像每个人都能站在一旁旁观看。然后,over and kiss me good-bye!" 他弯下身子在我脸上重重的亲了一 He paused and then went on," I remember the day 口,告诉我要做一个好孩子。这让我I thought I was too old for a good-bye kiss. When 觉得很难为情。那时我已经12岁看,we got the school and came to a stop, he had his usual 而爸爸还俯身给我一个道别的亲big smile. He started to lean toward me, but I put 吻。” my hand up and said,' No, Dad.' It was the first time I had ever talked to him that way, and he had this 弗兰克停顿了一下,又继续说道:surprised looked on his face. “我还记得那天。我认为自己已经长大到不再合适一个道别亲吻了。当我 I said,' Dad, I'm too old for a good-bye kiss. 们到了学校停下来的时候,像往常一I'm too old for any kind of kiss.' My Dad looked at 样爸爸露出了灿烂的笑容,他开始向me for the longest tine, and his eyes started to tear 我俯下身来,然后我抬手挡住了他,吧,弗兰克,给大家讲讲你最难为情的时刻。” up. I had never seen him cry. He turned and looked ‘不,爸爸。’那是我第一次那样对our the windshield.' You're right,' he said.' You 他说话,他十分吃惊。” are a big boy„„ a man. I won't kiss you anymore.'" “我说道:‘爸爸,我已经长大 For the moment, Frank got a funny look on his 了,大到不再适合接受一个道别亲吻face, and the tears began to well up in his eyes. 了。也不再适合任何的亲吻了。’爸"It wasn't long after that when my Dad went to sea 爸盯着我看了好长时间,潸然泪下。and never came back." 我从来未见过他哭泣。他转过身子,透过挡风玻璃向外望去:“没错,你 I looked at Frank and saw that tears were running 已经是一个大男孩儿„„一个男子汉down his cheeks. Frank spoke again." Guys, you don't 了。我以后再也不这样亲吻你了。” know what I woud give to have my Dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek„„ to feel his rough old 讲到这儿,弗兰克脸上露出了古face„„ to smell the ocean on him„„ to feel his 怪的表情,泪水还是在眼眶里打转。arm around my neck. I wish I had been a man then. “从那之后没多久,爸爸出海后就再If I had been a man, I would been a man, I would never 也没回来了。” have told my Dad I was too old for a good-bye kiss." 我看着弗兰克,眼泪正顺着他的脸颊流下来。弗兰克又开口了:“伙计们,你们不知道,如果我爸爸能在我脸上亲一下„„让我感觉一下他那粗糙了脸„„闻一闻他身上海洋的气息„„享受他搂着我脖子的感觉,那么我付出什么都愿意。我真希望那时候我是一个真正的男子汉。如果我是,我绝不会告诉爸爸我已经长大到不再适合一个道别的亲吻了。” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9cb0c0bdf121dd36a32d8293.html