欢迎阅读 老板退休祝福语英语 导读: 1、有些感情,停留心中,有些朋友,时常挂念,朋友,一路保重! Some feelings, stay in mind, some friends, often miss, friends, take care of all the way! 2、在以后的工作中我会更加努力,不辜负你对我的期望。 In the future, I will work harder and live up to your expectations. 3、您的一生,是伟大而光荣的。 Your life is great and glorious. 4、愿离别后友谊不间断,真情永远存心间! May friendship never cease after parting, and true feelings always remain in mind! 5、离别之际,祝福带给你美好的愿望:愿你一路顺风。 On the occasion of departure, blessings bring you good wishes: Have a pleasant journey. 6、祝愿您在退休在家的日子,能好好的享受生活。 I wish you a good life when you retire at home. 7、谢谢你这些日子以来,始终领导我们往对的方向走,让我们从中取得并有所成长。 Thank you for leading us in the right direction all the time 欢迎阅读 these days, so that we can gain and grow from it. 8、永远都不会忘记您曾经的教诲,祝您天天开心,工作顺利! Never forget your teachings, wish you happy every day, work smoothly! 9、你轻轻的来了,却又要轻轻的走。挥一挥手,眼眸早已朦胧。 You come gently, but you have to walk gently. Wave your hand and your eyes are dim. 10、退休了,岁月不饶人啊,祝愿你在以后的日子里,快乐幸福的度过每一天。 Retired, the years unforgiving ah, I wish you in the future, happy and happy every day. 11、此时各奔天涯不相见,几多相思只化作颗颗热泪,祝君平安,愿君幸福。 At this time, the world does not see each other, a few miss only turned into tears, I wish you peace, I wish you happiness. 12、感谢你这段时间对我的照顾,您的教导是我收益匪浅。 Thank you for taking care of me during this time. Your teaching is very rewarding for me. 13、前年好,去年好,今年会更好;你健康,我健康,大家都健康。 The year before last, the year before last, this year will be better; you are healthy, I am healthy, everyone is healthy. 欢迎阅读 14、衷心祝福领导,您的退休生活丰富多彩,幸福美满! Hearty wishes to the leadership, your retirement life is rich and colorful, happy! 15、眨眼间,您已经到了退休的年龄,祝愿您以后的生活更加快乐啊。 In the blink of an eye, you have reached the age of retirement. I wish you a happier life in the future. 16、祝愿您退休快乐,退休幸福。 I wish you a happy retirement and a happy retirement. 17、我相信你的退休生活,应该会比工作的时候更加美丽。 I believe that your retirement life should be more beautiful than when you work. 18、祝愿你今后的道路越走越宽,越走越顺,一路珍重! Wish you a wider and smoother road in the future, and treasure it all the way! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9d5af79adf80d4d8d15abe23482fb4daa58d1df3.html