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【期刊名称】《现代地质》 【年(),期】2013(027)002

【摘 要】For a long time over exploitation of groundwater cause the geological environmen issues in the piedmont clinoplain of Daqing mountain, Hohhot, such as the drainage of shallow groundwater and continuing decline of artesian water level. This paper uses data of weather, hydrological and human exploitation in urban areas to summarize and analysis the formation mechanism of geological environment issue by both nature and human factors. The results are discussed as follows. The special aquifer structure and the changes in natural conditions provides access to possibility of geological environment issue; the increase of artesian water exploitation and reduction of piedmont lateral recharge are decisive factors; the confined water captures the piedmont lateral supplies of the phreatic water speeds up the development of geological environment issue.%长期地下水超采,导致呼和浩特市大青山山前倾斜平原浅层地下水疏干,深层承压水水位持续下降,局部地区承压水转为无压水等地质环境问题.利用呼和浩特市城区地下水开采量资料、地下水位动态监测资料以及呼和浩特市水文气象数据,合该市城市社会经济发展状况,通过自然因素和人为影响两个方面对其地质环境问题产生机理进行总结分析.山前倾斜平原含水层结构的特殊性及自然条件的改变为呼和浩特市地质环境问题的发生提供了可能;承压水开采量的增大及山前侧向径流

补给的减少是地质环境问题的发生的决定性因素;双层结构承压水对浅层水的山前侧向径流补给的袭夺,加速了大青山山前地质环境问题的形成和发展. 【总页数】7(P468-474)

【作 者】曹文庚;张翼龙;李政红;董秋瑶

【作者单位】中国地质科学院水文地质环境地质研究所,河北正定050803 【正文语种】 【中图分类】P641;X143 【相关文献】

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