我的老师英语作文 【必备】我的老师英语作文四篇 我的老师英语作文 篇1 The new semester began. "The new semester, new atmosphere," the other words are right, first, a "wind" of the new semester is involved in our class. From five grade up to the sixth grade, school is more busy; I also have the sense of enthusiasm; The more the intensity of learning. The most important thing is that we change the head teacher, miss gao. Although a sad autumn wind off the hao teacher, but god closed a window, will open another window, a rain brought again amiable honorable miss gao. Is really "the rainbow after the rain!" From this a few days to get along with, I like miss gao. High on the language lesson, the teacher is so dramatic: her beautiful voice, let we unconsciously entered the imagination of the text, realized the author express emotions, infatuated; Her vigorous, enabled us to quickly into the lenovo, understood every word. For the high teacher the thumbs-up sign: I am a teacher, hello! September 10 is teachers' day, I kept thinking: the gifts to the teacher? Want to for a long time, I realized: the teacher don't need flowers, not gifts. But - but a sincere heart, a positive enterprising heart hard. Teacher, please believe that I can make it! I will be more efforts, more seriously learn knowledge well. Fight for themselves, and strive for the future. I will make you happy, make you happy, happy! A new semester, a new learning task, a new teacher. My teacher, I can live up to your hope, I will study hard! With the best result repay you! 我的老师英语作文 篇2 今天,妈妈给我报了一个英语班,它的名字叫“大山外语”。 在去学校的路上,我心想:我的老师是温柔的还是严厉的呢?到了学校那里有许多小朋友,我看了看老师,她长着大大的眼睛,高高的鼻子,黑黑的头发。 上课了,老师给我们取了英文名字,我很喜欢。她教了我们字母“Aa Bb Cc”,还教我们字母操,我们既学到了知识又做了有趣的游戏,这堂课真的有意思。 噢!我原来猜错了,我们的老师是一位既聪明又漂亮的老师。 我的老师英语作文 篇3 在我的脑海中,经常出现英语老师那张熟悉、可爱的脸庞,在梦里也经常出现那个熟悉的背景,那就是我们和蔼可亲的缑老师。 缑老师年轻漂亮,在我的记忆里,缑老师是那么的温柔,那么的可亲可敬。有一天,我们班有很多人没有做起作业,老师把没有做起英语作业的人都叫了出来,老师挨个地打他们(她们),打了一半后,老师的手就有点红了,还有点肿,可是,老师还要继续打,打完人不是老师的.两只又白又嫩的手不是就很就很红很肿了么,而且还很疼,那些不做作业的只会哭,他们(她们)也不看看英语老师的手有多红、多肿,还有多疼。 其实,老师也是为了我们好,如果他们(她们)现在不做英语作业,以后到了初中也不会做英语作业的,而且到了初中英语还是正课,还更难。所以我想对同学们说:同学们,你们想,如果没有了老师,我们还到哪里去学习知识呢,所以,你们要好好珍惜跟老师在一起的一分一秒,千万不要浪费时间哦!还有一次,英语老师突然没来上课,我听数学老师说英语老师感冒了,我心里就像和打了点一样,伤心的想,英语老师生病了,难道是因为我们么?老师,我希望你能早日康复,早一点来给我们上课,不过要病好才能来哦! 老师,对不起,我以后再也不惹您生气了,我一定会听您的话,每次,只要布置作业,我就会完成,保证让老师您满意。这就是我的英语老师! 我的老师英语作文 篇4 最使我难忘的,是我小学时候的英语老师冯雪老师。现在回想起来,她那时二十二,三岁。矮矮的个子,大大的眼睛,清秀的面容。在我的记忆里,她是个特别,严厉,负责任又verynice的老师。她并不像一般老师那样打骂,逼迫我们学习,而是用巧妙的方式让我们主动去记,去背。每次将上英语课时,全班无一人不连忙拉开书包一阵翻找之后马上掏出英语书,抹开75页(单词表)就嗡嗡的背了起来,各种哇哩哇啦声从四面八方传来,实在让人心烦。铃声打起时,那哇哩哇啦声转瞬变成了雷鸣,轰动了整个楼层,路过门口的人都要捂着耳朵加快脚步。屋门一旦被某种力量推开――咚-全班又恢复了寂静,连一根针落地都能听见。前后速度不过两秒。她又是严厉的。那次,我的同学双休时没有完成她留下的英语作业,组长报告给她后,她猛地一拍办公桌,吓得旁者一惊。震得组长耳朵嗡嗡响,张口 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9e3d451675c66137ee06eff9aef8941ea76e4bb6.html