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起中焦,下络大肠,还循胃口,上膈属肺,从肺系横出腋下,下循臑内,行少阴、心主之前,下肘中,循臂内上骨 下廉,入寸口,上鱼,循鱼际,出大指之端;其支者,从腕后直出次指内廉,出其端。 Lung meridian of hand taiyin

1 Originates from the middle jiao running downwards to connect the large intestine winding back倒卷 to go along the upper orifice of the stomach;

2 Passes upwards through the diaphragm belonging to the lung

3) From the trachea and throat, the tissue connected with lung it comes out transversely in front of the axilla腋窝;

4 Running downwards along the medial side内侧 of the upper arm anterior to the heart and pericardium meridians;

5 Reaches the cubital fossa肘窝, then goes along the posterior border of the radius桡骨 in the medial side of the forearm;

6 Enters Cunkou where the radial artery pulse can be touched passing the thenar eminence and going along its radial border, and ends at the radial side of the tip of the thumb

Branch from wrist emerges from the proximate最近,近似的 wrist, runs along the dorsum of the hand onto the radial side of the tip of the index finger, hands over移交,交出 the meridian qi to the large intestine meridian of hand yangming. 手阳明大肠经

大肠手阳明之脉,起于大指次指之端,循指上廉,出合谷两骨之间,上入两筋之间,循臂上廉,入肘外廉,上臑外前廉,上肩,出髃骨之前廉,上出于柱骨之会上,下入缺盆,络肺,下膈,属大肠;其支者,从缺盆上颈,贯颊,入下齿中,还出挟口,交人中、左之右,右之左,上挟鼻孔. Large intestine meridian of hand yangming

1) Starts from the tip of the index finger, running upwards along the radial side of the index finger and passing through interspace of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal掌部的 bones

2) Enters teh depression between the tendons of extensor pollicis longus and brevis拇长/短伸肌 at the wrist continues along the radial margin of the forearm;

3) To the radial margin of the lateral side of the elbow then ascends upwards along the lateral anterior side of the upper arm

4) To the highest point of the shoulder along the anterior border of the acromial end肩峰端, goes up just below the spinous刺状的 process of the 7th cervical vertebra; 5) Descends into supraclavicular fossa锁骨上窝;

6) Connect the lung, then it passes through the diaphragm and enters the large intestine its pertaining organ. Branch from supraclavicular fossa runs upwards to the neck, passes through the cheek and enters the lower gums, then turns aside to the corner of the mouth and crosses the opposite large intestine meridian at


the philtrum人中 the left meridian goes to the right and the right one to the left, to the contralateral对侧 sides of the nose, hands over the meridian qi to the stomach meridian of foot yangming. 足阳明胃经

胃足阳明之脉,起于鼻,交頞中,旁约太阳之脉,下循鼻外,上入齿中,还出挟口,环唇,下交承浆,却循颐后下廉,出大迎,循 颊车,上耳前,过客主人,循发际,至额颅;其支者,从大迎前,下人迎,循喉咙,入缺盆,下膈,属胃络脾;其直者,从缺盆下乳内廉,下挟脐,入气街中;其支者,起于胃口,下循腹里,下至气街中而合,以下髀关,抵伏兔,下膝膑中,下循胫外廉,下足跗,入中指内间;其支者,下廉三寸而别,下入中指外间;其支者,别跗上,入大指间,出其端。 Stomach meridian of foot yangming

Starts from the side of nose, it ascends to the bridge of the nose where it meets the bladder meridian, turning downwards along the lateral side of the nose, it enters the upper gum reemerging aside the angle of mouth, Dicang (ST4 It curves round the lips, descends to meet the mentolabial颏唇的 furrow犁沟,皱纹, Chengjiang RN24); it then goes along the inferior maxilla下颌骨 and passes the facial artery at Daying ST5) Winding along the angle of the mandible下颌骨,上颚, it ascends to the front of the ear, and traverses the malar arch颊弓, then goes along the anterior hairline reaches the forehead and meets Shenting (DU24

The branch from neck emergs in front of Daying ST5 and runs downwards to the carotid颈动脉, Renying ST9) it goes along the throat and enters the supraclavicular fossa descending it passes through the diaphragm, the meridian enters the stomach, which is its pertaining organ and connects with the spleen

The branch emerging from the supraclavicular fossa runs downwards, passing through the nipple, it descends by the navel肚脐,中央, and enters Qichong (ST30) running downwards, traversing Biguan ST31, and reaching the prominence突起,隆起 of thigh quadriceps股四头肌 at Futu (ST32 and then the knee it goes downwards along the anterior border of the lateral side of tibia胫骨, passes through the dorsum of the foot, and enters the medial side of the middle toe, then comes out of the tip of the second toe

The tibial branch emerges at the distance of 3 cun below the knee and enters the lateral side of the middle toe, then comes out of the tip of it

The branch of the foot rises from the dorsum terminates at the lateral side of the tip of the great toe, comes out at the tip and hands over the meridian qi to the spleen meridian of foot taiyin 足太阴脾经

脾足太阴之脉,起于大趾之端,循趾内侧白肉际,过核骨后,上内踝前廉,上踹内,循胫骨后,交出厥阴之前,上膝股内前廉,入腹属脾络胃,上膈,挟咽,连舌本,散舌下;其支者,复从胃,别上膈,注心中。 Spleen meridian of foot taiyin

1) Starts from the tip of the big toe, it runs along the medial side of the dorso-ventral boundary赤白肉际 of the big toe;


2) Ascends to the front of the medial malleolus内踝;

3) And furthers up to the medial side of the lower leg, it follows the posterior side of the tibia, and passes through the front of the liver meridian;

4) Going along the anterior medial side of the knee and thigh; 5) It enters the abdomen;

6) Reaches the spleen, its pertaining organ and connects with the stomach; 7) Passing through the diaphragm and running along the esophagus食管; 8) It reaches the tongue root and spreads over under the tongue

A branch goes upwards through the stomach and the diaphragm flows into the heart, and hands over the meridian qi to the heart meridian of hand shaoyin 手少阴心经

心手少阴之脉,起于心中,出属心系,下膈络小肠;其支者,从心系上挟咽,系目系,其直者,复从心系却上肺,下出腋下,下循臑内后廉,行太阴,心主之后,下肘内,循臂内后廉,抵掌后锐骨之端,入掌内后廉,循小指之内,出其端. Heart meridian of hand shaoyin

1) Originates from the heart, and spreads over the heart links

2) It goes downwards through the diaphragm to connect the small intestine

The ascending portion of the meridian from the heart links runs alongside the esophagus to connect with the eye links.

The straight portion of the meridian from the heart links goes upwards to the lung then it runs out from the axilla. It goes along the posterior border of the medial side of the upper arm, behind the lung meridian and pericardium meridian. It runs downwards the medial side of the elbow, and descends along the posterior border of the medial side of the forearm to the pisiform豌豆状的 region proximal邻近的 to the palm and enters the palm it follows the radial side of the little finger to its tip, hands over the meridian qi to the small intestine of hand taiyang. 手太阳小肠经

小肠手太阳之脉,起于小指之端,循手外侧上腕,出踝中,直循臂骨下廉,出肘内侧两骨之间,上循外后廉,出肩解,绕肩胛,交肩上,入缺盆,络心,循咽下膈,抵胃,属小肠,其支者,从缺盆循颈,上颊,至目锐眦,却入耳中;其支者,别颊上抵鼻,至目内眦,斜络于颧。 Small intestine meridian of hand taiyang

1) Starts from the ulnar尺骨的 side of the tip of the little finger, following the ulnar side of the dorsum of the hand, it reaches the wrist;

2) Then it goes out from the capitulum ulnae尺骨小头, ascends along the posterior border of the lateral side of the forearm;

3) Passes between the olecranon(肘部)鹰嘴 of the ulna and the medial epicondyle上髁 of the humerus

